AD7124 understanding registers how to program them in to the Teensy3.6

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I am not sure of your question?

If you are asking about something like: #define REG 5
It does not define any variables or the like: It is a pre-processor macro Again more details in lots of places like:

But simply put, when you compile, one of the first phases of the compile it runs through the pre-processor, and in this simple case it literally just replaces every instance where it finds REG with the character 5

So to the compiler: AD7124_Write(REG, REG_VAL)
is the same thing as doing: AD7124_Write(5, 0)

And yes start off by Keeping it simple...
So I am writing to the register 0x05 hence 000101 ok page 85-94. this register has 8 bits 0-7.
i write to each of the bits a 1, hence data =0xff. what does 0x3f do? its 63 it doesnt matter if I send 0xff or 0x3f.
i get back the following from Serial Monitor: register 0x05 shows 10100 Hex 14 DEC 20
this means that the ID number is 16, and the Silicon Revision number =4;

#include <SPI.h>

//SPI defines
#define TFT_DC  9
#define TFT_CS 10
#define TFT_RST -1
#define AD7124_CS 8
#define AD7124_SPEED 5000000 //max speed

#define REG 0x05 
#define DATA 0xff  

SPISettings settingsAD7124(5000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3); //Page 38-94 SPI_MODE3 CS LOW

void setup() 
 pinMode(AD7124_CS, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(TFT_CS, OUTPUT);


     //Initialize serial and wait for port to open:
  Serial.begin (38400);
  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only

void loop() 
unsigned char val=AD7124_Read(REG);
Serial.print(" register 0x05 shows ");
Serial.print(" Hex ");
Serial.print(" DEC ");

void AD7124_Write(unsigned char reg, unsigned char data)

  SPI.transfer(reg & data); // write to register 0x05 hence 000101 bin, and write to the register 0xFF
 // SPI.transfer(data);       //i get back a value for all bits 0-7


unsigned char AD7124_Read(unsigned char reg)
  unsigned char data;

  SPI.transfer((reg&0xff)|0x40); // select register to read from
  data = SPI.transfer(0);
  delay(1000); //   optional delay for between transaction spacing
  return data;

after this it becomes useful to write an array for the registers and data that needs to be send.

reading a RTD:

Reset the ADC. for 0x01 & 0x0000
2.Select the power mode 0x01 &
0x01 & ED0 ( bit 15-13 are 0, Bit12 is 0, Bit 11=1=Continious Read,Bit 10=1 status, Bit 9=1 Set diagnostics, Bit 8=0 Internal Ref(not Sure if needed to set), Bit7=1,Bit6=1,Bit5-2=0000; bit 1 =1; bit 0=0; hence 0000111011000011=EC3;
3.Set the CHANNEL_0 register analog input to AIN1/AIN2. 0x09 & 0x8001 From the AD7124 Library (bit 15=1,14:12=000, Setup 0 AIN1 is AIN2., 11:10=0, 9:5=00000, 4:0=00001 is=0x8001.

Assign Setup 0 to this channel. this is bit 14:12.
Configure Setup 0 to have a gain of 16 and select the reference source REFIN2(±). 0x31 & 0x50000 ? why i Dont understand this from the PDF it sets the Gain for the Config0 thats a gain of 327680 if I understand it correctly. (not much is written on the Gain part in the pdf)
Select the filter type and set the output data rate.
#define AD7124_FILT_REG_FILTER(x) ((uint32_t)((x) & 0x7) << 21) this I dont understand at all ( conversion to uint32_t ((x)&0x07 of errorregister ) << bit shift 21 to the left
4.Program the excitation currents to 500 μA and output the currents on the AIN0 and AIN3 pins. 5.Wait until RDY goes low. (((x) & 0x7) << 11) on address 0x03 & (23:16=0, bit 15=PDSW=0; 14=0; 13:11=100=500uA, 10:8=500uA?(not sure, but it is written that both excitations currents are required), 7:4=0000 Channel 0; 3:0=0011 for AIN3; gives 2403 in hex value
Read the conversion value. eeehm ? how do I do this? is this set at the 0x00 & 10000000 at channel 0, and 0x00 10000011 at channel 3?
6. Repeat Step 4.
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Somehow re running the program doesnt work.
i get on the output 0x05 in hex FF binary 11111111, 255.
I re changed the DATA to 0x3f this does not work.

I tried resetting it with 0x14.... hmmm I dont know what is going on.
unraveling the AD7124 and RTD function and paste it to an array.

would it be wise to look at the CN0391.cpp 196 - 220 and AD7124.cpp?

and go here step by step because everything is listed. the RTD configuration is listed, and I would like to hardcode this into an array and run the array through the SPIWrite and SPIRead function.

can I write Something like this?
const unsigned char reg[]={     0x01,   0x01,  0x09    , 0x31     };  (its not finished because I dont understand some things going on in the AD7124.cpp
const unsigned char data[]={0x0000, 0xEC3,  0x8001, 0x50000};

for(int i=0;i<ArraySize;i++)
unsigned char val=AD7124_Read(REG);
Serial.print(" registers values show ");
Serial.print(" Hex ");
Serial.print(" DEC ");
I am not getting the right values
Sorry I don't have have time this morning to do much....

Quick look and your write function has issues:
void AD7124_Write(unsigned char reg, unsigned char data)

[COLOR="#FF0000"]  SPI.transfer(reg & data); // write to register 0x05 hence 000101 bin, and write to the register 0xFF[/COLOR]
   // SPI.transfer(data);       //i get back a value for all bits 0-7
You need to have two bytes to SPI.
void AD7124_Write(unsigned char reg, unsigned char data)

[COLOR="#FF0000"]  SPI.transfer(reg);         // Output Register plus bits 0x40 not set so write operation. Don't care about return value
  SPI.transfer(data);       //Output new data for that register - don't care about return value[/COLOR]
ok thanks:)

i was probably confused by the SPI_write();
i wont ask why and accept it that I should write:


has to do with the SPI.transfer function it self
The barometric pressure example looks similar to what I want to do. At least this will be clearer see what Is happening
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