circuitpython external psram and flash support


New member
New to Teensy. Bought a Teensy 4.1 and populated the extra pads with psram(8Mb) and flash(16Mb). Went a head tried out the circuitpython 6.x build for Teensy 4.1. It seems neither the external psram nor the external flash is recognized. Wondering if it is something in the pipeline or there is a way to enable both in circuitpython. I am ok with building the firmware from source if required.
There is a thread where the cPython dev is posting on T_4.x's - might be best to find that thread and post there to make sure this isn't missed - have not seen much in recent weeks since the PSRAM's came online - if so it will be on that thread.
erong - did you find what you were looking for? I think I have the same question - I want to write files to the on-board flash ram, fo a data logger, then copy them to my PC later. Can this be done?