Running DMA for UART in Teensy3.6

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New member
I want to use DMA for receiving UART data. I searched for a code and found uartevent but it was for teensy3.1 which is not mine. is there any code for running DMA for receiving UART data? if not, is there any example for this DMAChannel.h code for me to know how to use it?
Sorry I have not tried it. Don't know how well it works...

I believe you already opened an issue against @duff2013 for this.

Note: the code differences Serial1-3 are more or less the same on T3.1 as T3.6... I have not verified if anything would need to change for these.
Have you tried it?

As for Additional UARTS for Serial 4-5, you can probably easily extend to these by duplicating the code and changing in the appropriate places to refer to the different hardware UARTS associated with the board.

Serial6 on T3.6 would be something different as it uses a different underlying hardware object LPUART instaead of UART...
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