Lightpole ws2812 spiral mapping questions and misc

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So my project atm consists of 720 neopixels wrapped around a pole. With it is attached a teensy 4 with blynk, a BLE HM-10 module, and audiosheild. I have the bulk of my project put together with the ios remote and a few visualizations working.

The idea
I want to map the leds around a pole almost as a lcd matrix. I want enough detail to be able to print text on the side of the pole. The leds are wrapped around the pole with no spacing between the wraps so there should be consistent spacing. I plan on starting with counting the number of leds to make one turn and then segment the array into strips, i doubt this will be accurate and I will probably need to manually adjust an offset for each turn of the spiral. Im a little lost on how I can map the leds as a matrix in code other than to break it apart into smaller arrays for each wrap.
I'm using this library to do 2D drawing and text on WS2812B leds arranged in a matrix. I suspect you could map your LEDs to a grid with it.

Since this maps to a rectangle and your surface is a cylinder, you'd have to keep in mind the wraparound as you draw. You might need to draw some items twice when crossing the joined edges of the cylinder.

EDIT: And when you draw the second part, you may need to offset by one pixel along the axis of the cylinder to compensate for the spiral offset.
Worked pretty flawlessly using neomatrix libary and was fairly simple to add into my current blynk loop.

For future reference:
Matrix setup: top right columns progressive
Created a second crgb array for storing matrix data
Using drawline to make a horizontal line which then appeared as a spiral
Made a second function to insert a 1 pix gap between the vertical columns when copying the matrix array to the final strip array.
I readjusted the leds on the pole by stretching or compressing them to make the drawline more straight and now it prints text well enough to read.

It could use some scaling adjustments as the columns are more dense than the rows have yet to figure that out. With a mapped pole its time to add some new visualizations to this thing.
lots more to come, I plan on ripping off visualizations from some python raspberry pi visualizer
these current visualizers use just the basic spiral mode and not the matrix mode.

Videos of one of the visualizer modes

original matrix testing

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