Trying to add pots to my existing midi project. code compiles but pots don't work

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hey everyone ! i have a midi project I'm trying to add pots to. I used the USB MIDI AnalogControlChange Example to come up with the pots code (works separately) which ive added to an existing code i found off github. its running on the teensy 3.5 the code compiles but the pots don't seem to work. im a beginner so I might be missing something really obvious. hope the forum helps me thanks

#include <Bounce.h>
// the MIDI channel number to send messages
const int MIDI_CHAN = 1;

//The number of push buttons
const int NUM_OF_BUTTONS = 18;

// Create Bounce objects for each button and switch. The Bounce object
// automatically deals with contact chatter or "bounce", and
// it makes detecting changes very simple.
// 5 = 5 ms debounce time which is appropriate for good quality mechanical push buttons.
// If a button is too "sensitive" to rapid touch, you can increase this time.

//button debounce time
const int DEBOUNCE_TIME = 15;

// the analog pin to be used for the bank control potentiometer
const int bank_pot = 0;    // change it to match the analog pin to which you're connecting the pot

// the MIDI continuous controller for each analog input
const int controllerA19 = 103; // 103 = GENERIC MIDI
const int controllerA20 = 104; // 104 = GENERIC MIDI
const int controllerA21 = 105; // 105 = GENERIC MIDI
const int controllerA22 = 106; // 106 = GENERIC MIDI

elapsedMillis msec = 0;

Bounce button0 = Bounce (0, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button1 = Bounce (1, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button3 = Bounce (3, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button4 = Bounce (4, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button5 = Bounce (5, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button6 = Bounce (6, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button7 = Bounce (7, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button8 = Bounce (8, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button9 = Bounce (9, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button11 = Bounce (11, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button13 = Bounce (13, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button15 = Bounce (15, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button16 = Bounce (16, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button17 = Bounce (17, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button18 = Bounce (18, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button19 = Bounce (19, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button20 = Bounce (20, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button21 = Bounce (21, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button22 = Bounce (22, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button23 = Bounce (23, DEBOUNCE_TIME);

const int MIDI_MODE_NOTES = 0;
const int MIDI_MODE_CCS = 1;
 // store previously sent values, to detect changes
    int previousA19 = -1;
    int previousA20 = -1;
    int previousA21 = -1;
    int previousA22 = -1;

//Variable that stores the current MIDI mode of the device (what type of messages the push buttons send).
int midiMode = MIDI_MODE_NOTES;

//Arrays the store the exact note and CC messages each push button will send
// 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15   16    17
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_0[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {48, 49, 44, 40, 37, 41, 43, 39, 46, 51, 47, 47, 48, 42, 36, 38, 45, 50};
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_1[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {64, 65, 60, 56, 53, 57, 59, 55, 62, 67, 63, 63, 64, 58, 52, 54, 61, 66};
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_2[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {80, 81, 76, 72, 69, 73, 75, 71, 78, 83, 79, 79, 80, 74, 68, 70, 77, 82};
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_3[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {96, 97, 92, 88, 85, 89, 91, 87, 94, 99, 95, 95, 96, 90, 84, 86, 93, 98};
const int MIDI_NOTE_VELS[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =  {110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110};
const int MIDI_CC_NUMS[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =    {51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68};
const int MIDI_CC_VALS[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =    {65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65};

// create an empty array that will be populated in the runtime depending on the bank selected

//The setup function. Called once when the Teensy is turned on or restarted
void setup()

elapsedMillis msec = 0;
  // Configure the pins for input mode with pullup resistors.
  // The buttons/switch connect from each pin to ground.  When
  // the button is pressed/on, the pin reads LOW because the button
  // shorts it to ground.  When released/off, the pin reads HIGH
  // because the pullup resistor connects to +5 volts inside
  // the chip.  LOW for "on", and HIGH for "off" may seem
  // backwards, but using the on-chip pullup resistors is very
  // convenient.  The scheme is called "active low", and it's
  // very commonly used in electronics... so much that the chip
  // has built-in pullup resistors!

  for (int i = 0; i < 24 + 1; i++)
    pinMode (i, INPUT_PULLUP);
  //  Serial.begin(115200);
    int n0 = analogRead(A19) / 8;
    int n1 = analogRead(A20) / 8;
    int n2 = analogRead(A21) / 8;
    int n3 = analogRead(A22) / 8;
//The loop function. Called over-and-over once the setup function has been called.

void loop()

    // only check the analog inputs 50 times per second,
  // to prevent a flood of MIDI messages
  if (msec >= 20) {
    msec = 0;
    // only transmit MIDI messages if analog input changed
    if (n0 != previousA19) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA19, n0, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA19 = n0;
    if (n1 != previousA20) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA20, n1, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA20 = n1;
    if (n2 != previousA21) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA21, n2, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA21 = n2;
    if (n3 != previousA22) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA22, n3, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA22 = n3;
  // Update all the buttons/switch. There should not be any long
  // delays in loop(), so this runs repetitively at a rate
  // faster than the buttons could be pressed and released.


    // Check the status of each push button
    int analogPotVal = analogRead(bank_pot);

    int bankVal = map(analogPotVal, 0, 1023, 0, 1000);
    //    Serial.println(bankVal);

    if (bankVal <= 250) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_0[a];
    } else if (bankVal > 250 && bankVal <= 500) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_1[a];
    } else if (bankVal > 500 && bankVal <= 750) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_2[a];
    } else if (bankVal > 750 && bankVal <= 1000) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_3[a];

    // If the below line does not work comment out the below line and uncomment the next line
    midiMode = (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) ? MIDI_MODE_CCS : MIDI_MODE_NOTES;
    // midiMode = button2.fallingEdge() ? MIDI_MODE_CCS : MIDI_MODE_NOTES;

    // Check each button for "falling" edge.
    // Falling = high (not pressed - voltage from pullup resistor) to low (pressed - button connects pin to ground)

    /* if (buttons[i + 1].fallingEdge())
      //If in note mode send a MIDI note-on message.
      //Else send a CC message.
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn (MIDI_NOTE_NUMS[i], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[i], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[i], MIDI_CC_VALS[i], MIDI_CHAN);

    if (button0.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[0], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[0], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button1.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[1], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[14], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[1], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button3.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[2], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[12], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[2], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button4.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[3], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[11], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[3], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button6.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[3], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[11], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[3], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button8.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[4], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[10], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[4], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button9.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[5], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[5], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button19.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[6], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[1], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[6], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button20.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[7], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[2], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[7], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);

//    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; i++)
//  {
//  }
  if (button21.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[15], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[15], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button13.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[8], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button18.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[8], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button15.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[9], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button16.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[10], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[5], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[10], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button22.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[11], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[6], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[11], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button11.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[13], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[8], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[13], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button7.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[14], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[14], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button23.fallingEdge()) // sends note 14 on button 23
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[16], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[16], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  /*if (button17.fallingEdge()) // sends note 17 on button 17
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
     usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[17], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button5.fallingEdge()) // sends note 17 on button 17
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[17], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[17], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button0.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[0], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button1.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[1], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[14], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button3.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[2], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[12], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button4.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[3], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[11], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button8.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[4], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[10], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button9.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[5], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button19.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[6], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[1], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button20.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[7], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[2], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button13.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[8], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[3], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button18.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[8], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[3], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button15.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[9], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[4], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button16.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[10], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[5], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button22.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[11], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[6], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button23.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[16], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[7], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button11.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[13], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[8], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button7.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[14], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button21.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[15], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);
  /*if (button17.risingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[17], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13],MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button5.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[17], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);

  // Check each button for "rising" edge
  // Rising = low (pressed - button connects pin to ground) to high (not pressed - voltage from pullup resistor)
      else if (buttons[i + 1].risingEdge())
        //If in note mode send a MIDI note-off message.
        //Else send a CC message with a value of 0.
        if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
          usbMIDI.sendNoteOff (MIDI_NOTE_NUMS[i], 0, MIDI_CHAN);
          usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[i], 0, MIDI_CHAN);

  //for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)

  // Check the status of the toggle switch, and set the MIDI mode based on this.

  // MIDI Controllers should discard incoming MIDI messages.
  while (
    // ignoring incoming messages, so don't do anything here.



  • sketch_oct17b.ino
    17.1 KB · Views: 39
hey everyone ! i have a midi project I'm trying to add pots to. I used the USB MIDI AnalogControlChange Example to come up with the pots code (works separately) which ive added to an existing code i found off github. its running on the teensy 3.5 the code compiles but the pots don't seem to work. im a beginner so I might be missing something really obvious. hope the forum helps me thanks

#include <Bounce.h>
// the MIDI channel number to send messages
const int MIDI_CHAN = 1;

//The number of push buttons
const int NUM_OF_BUTTONS = 18;

// Create Bounce objects for each button and switch. The Bounce object
// automatically deals with contact chatter or "bounce", and
// it makes detecting changes very simple.
// 5 = 5 ms debounce time which is appropriate for good quality mechanical push buttons.
// If a button is too "sensitive" to rapid touch, you can increase this time.

//button debounce time
const int DEBOUNCE_TIME = 15;

// the analog pin to be used for the bank control potentiometer
const int bank_pot = 0;    // change it to match the analog pin to which you're connecting the pot

// the MIDI continuous controller for each analog input
const int controllerA19 = 103; // 103 = GENERIC MIDI
const int controllerA20 = 104; // 104 = GENERIC MIDI
const int controllerA21 = 105; // 105 = GENERIC MIDI
const int controllerA22 = 106; // 106 = GENERIC MIDI

elapsedMillis msec = 0;

Bounce button0 = Bounce (0, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button1 = Bounce (1, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button3 = Bounce (3, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button4 = Bounce (4, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button5 = Bounce (5, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button6 = Bounce (6, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button7 = Bounce (7, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button8 = Bounce (8, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button9 = Bounce (9, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button11 = Bounce (11, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button13 = Bounce (13, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button15 = Bounce (15, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button16 = Bounce (16, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button17 = Bounce (17, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button18 = Bounce (18, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button19 = Bounce (19, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button20 = Bounce (20, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button21 = Bounce (21, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button22 = Bounce (22, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button23 = Bounce (23, DEBOUNCE_TIME);

const int MIDI_MODE_NOTES = 0;
const int MIDI_MODE_CCS = 1;
 // store previously sent values, to detect changes
    int previousA19 = -1;
    int previousA20 = -1;
    int previousA21 = -1;
    int previousA22 = -1;

//Variable that stores the current MIDI mode of the device (what type of messages the push buttons send).
int midiMode = MIDI_MODE_NOTES;

//Arrays the store the exact note and CC messages each push button will send
// 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15   16    17
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_0[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {48, 49, 44, 40, 37, 41, 43, 39, 46, 51, 47, 47, 48, 42, 36, 38, 45, 50};
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_1[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {64, 65, 60, 56, 53, 57, 59, 55, 62, 67, 63, 63, 64, 58, 52, 54, 61, 66};
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_2[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {80, 81, 76, 72, 69, 73, 75, 71, 78, 83, 79, 79, 80, 74, 68, 70, 77, 82};
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_3[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {96, 97, 92, 88, 85, 89, 91, 87, 94, 99, 95, 95, 96, 90, 84, 86, 93, 98};
const int MIDI_NOTE_VELS[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =  {110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110};
const int MIDI_CC_NUMS[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =    {51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68};
const int MIDI_CC_VALS[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =    {65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65};

// create an empty array that will be populated in the runtime depending on the bank selected

//The setup function. Called once when the Teensy is turned on or restarted
void setup()

elapsedMillis msec = 0;
  // Configure the pins for input mode with pullup resistors.
  // The buttons/switch connect from each pin to ground.  When
  // the button is pressed/on, the pin reads LOW because the button
  // shorts it to ground.  When released/off, the pin reads HIGH
  // because the pullup resistor connects to +5 volts inside
  // the chip.  LOW for "on", and HIGH for "off" may seem
  // backwards, but using the on-chip pullup resistors is very
  // convenient.  The scheme is called "active low", and it's
  // very commonly used in electronics... so much that the chip
  // has built-in pullup resistors!

  for (int i = 0; i < 24 + 1; i++)
    pinMode (i, INPUT_PULLUP);
  //  Serial.begin(115200);
//The loop function. Called over-and-over once the setup function has been called.

void loop()

    int n0 = analogRead(A19) / 8;
    int n1 = analogRead(A20) / 8;
    int n2 = analogRead(A21) / 8;
    int n3 = analogRead(A22) / 8;

    // only check the analog inputs 50 times per second,
  // to prevent a flood of MIDI messages
  if (msec >= 20) {
    msec = 0;
    // only transmit MIDI messages if analog input changed
    if (n0 != previousA19) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA19, n0, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA19 = n0;
    if (n1 != previousA20) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA20, n1, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA20 = n1;
    if (n2 != previousA21) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA21, n2, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA21 = n2;
    if (n3 != previousA22) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA22, n3, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA22 = n3;
  // Update all the buttons/switch. There should not be any long
  // delays in loop(), so this runs repetitively at a rate
  // faster than the buttons could be pressed and released.


    // Check the status of each push button
    int analogPotVal = analogRead(bank_pot);

    int bankVal = map(analogPotVal, 0, 1023, 0, 1000);
    //    Serial.println(bankVal);

    if (bankVal <= 250) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_0[a];
    } else if (bankVal > 250 && bankVal <= 500) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_1[a];
    } else if (bankVal > 500 && bankVal <= 750) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_2[a];
    } else if (bankVal > 750 && bankVal <= 1000) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_3[a];

    // If the below line does not work comment out the below line and uncomment the next line
    midiMode = (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) ? MIDI_MODE_CCS : MIDI_MODE_NOTES;
    // midiMode = button2.fallingEdge() ? MIDI_MODE_CCS : MIDI_MODE_NOTES;

    // Check each button for "falling" edge.
    // Falling = high (not pressed - voltage from pullup resistor) to low (pressed - button connects pin to ground)

    /* if (buttons[i + 1].fallingEdge())
      //If in note mode send a MIDI note-on message.
      //Else send a CC message.
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn (MIDI_NOTE_NUMS[i], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[i], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[i], MIDI_CC_VALS[i], MIDI_CHAN);

    if (button0.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[0], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[0], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button1.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[1], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[14], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[1], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button3.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[2], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[12], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[2], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button4.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[3], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[11], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[3], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button6.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[3], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[11], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[3], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button8.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[4], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[10], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[4], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button9.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[5], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[5], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button19.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[6], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[1], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[6], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button20.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[7], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[2], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[7], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);

//    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; i++)
//  {
//  }
  if (button21.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[15], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[15], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button13.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[8], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button18.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[8], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button15.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[9], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button16.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[10], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[5], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[10], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button22.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[11], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[6], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[11], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button11.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[13], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[8], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[13], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button7.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[14], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[14], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button23.fallingEdge()) // sends note 14 on button 23
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[16], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[16], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  /*if (button17.fallingEdge()) // sends note 17 on button 17
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
     usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[17], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button5.fallingEdge()) // sends note 17 on button 17
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[17], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[17], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button0.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[0], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button1.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[1], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[14], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button3.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[2], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[12], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button4.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[3], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[11], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button8.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[4], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[10], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button9.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[5], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button19.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[6], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[1], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button20.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[7], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[2], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button13.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[8], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[3], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button18.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[8], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[3], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button15.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[9], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[4], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button16.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[10], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[5], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button22.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[11], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[6], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button23.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[16], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[7], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button11.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[13], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[8], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button7.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[14], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button21.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[15], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);
  /*if (button17.risingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[17], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13],MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button5.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[17], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);

  // Check each button for "rising" edge
  // Rising = low (pressed - button connects pin to ground) to high (not pressed - voltage from pullup resistor)
      else if (buttons[i + 1].risingEdge())
        //If in note mode send a MIDI note-off message.
        //Else send a CC message with a value of 0.
        if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
          usbMIDI.sendNoteOff (MIDI_NOTE_NUMS[i], 0, MIDI_CHAN);
          usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[i], 0, MIDI_CHAN);

  //for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)

  // Check the status of the toggle switch, and set the MIDI mode based on this.

  // MIDI Controllers should discard incoming MIDI messages.
  while (
    // ignoring incoming messages, so don't do anything here.



I didn't do an extensive analysis of all of your code, but you might try moving the analogRead() calls inside the loop() function as I've indicated above. It also seems that the variable "msec" is not updated anywhere (I may not be completely understanding the intent, but I think you want to keep track of the elapsed milliseconds, & only send your MIDI updates when 20ms have passed). You will probably need to eliminate the local copy of "msec" at the beginning of the setup() function (so that you are only using the globally defined "msec") & then update "msec" in the loop() function by calling the millis() function & calculating the difference between the current value & the previous value.

Good luck & have fun !!

Mark J Culross

I didn't do an extensive analysis of all of your code, but you might try moving the analogRead() calls inside the loop() function as I've indicated above. It also seems that the variable "msec" is not updated anywhere (I may not be completely understanding the intent, but I think you want to keep track of the elapsed milliseconds, & only send your MIDI updates when 20ms have passed). You will probably need to eliminate the local copy of "msec" at the beginning of the setup() function (so that you are only using the globally defined "msec") & then update "msec" in the loop() function by calling the millis() function & calculating the difference between the current value & the previous value.

Good luck & have fun !!

Mark J Culross

@mark j culross
thank you soo much that made it work! I am getting CC103 to show up and yes the msec is to weed out a flood of midi messages*was mentioned on the pjrc teensy example code* but now I'm getting a flood of midi messages without anything even connected to the board. how can i make this stable ?
so now the pots work bur the buttons don't work at all. I cant seem to figure out why this is happening. my current code right now is::

#include <Bounce.h>
// the MIDI channel number to send messages
const int MIDI_CHAN = 1;

//The number of push buttons
const int NUM_OF_BUTTONS = 18;

// Create Bounce objects for each button and switch. The Bounce object
// automatically deals with contact chatter or "bounce", and
// it makes detecting changes very simple.
// 5 = 5 ms debounce time which is appropriate for good quality mechanical push buttons.
// If a button is too "sensitive" to rapid touch, you can increase this time.

//button debounce time
const int DEBOUNCE_TIME = 15;

// the analog pin to be used for the bank control potentiometer
const int bank_pot = 0;    // change it to match the analog pin to which you're connecting the pot

// the MIDI continuous controller for each analog input
const int controllerA19 = 103; // 103 = GENERIC MIDI
const int controllerA20 = 104; // 104 = GENERIC MIDI
const int controllerA21 = 105; // 105 = GENERIC MIDI
const int controllerA22 = 106; // 106 = GENERIC MIDI

elapsedMillis msec = 0;

Bounce button0 = Bounce (0, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button1 = Bounce (1, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button3 = Bounce (3, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button4 = Bounce (4, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button5 = Bounce (5, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button6 = Bounce (6, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button7 = Bounce (7, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button8 = Bounce (8, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button9 = Bounce (9, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button11 = Bounce (11, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button13 = Bounce (13, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button15 = Bounce (15, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button16 = Bounce (16, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button17 = Bounce (17, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button18 = Bounce (18, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button19 = Bounce (19, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button20 = Bounce (20, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button21 = Bounce (21, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button22 = Bounce (22, DEBOUNCE_TIME);
Bounce button23 = Bounce (23, DEBOUNCE_TIME);

const int MIDI_MODE_NOTES = 0;
const int MIDI_MODE_CCS = 1;
 // store previously sent values, to detect changes
    int previousA19 = -1;
    int previousA20 = -1;
    int previousA21 = -1;
    int previousA22 = -1;

//Variable that stores the current MIDI mode of the device (what type of messages the push buttons send).
int midiMode = MIDI_MODE_NOTES;

//Arrays the store the exact note and CC messages each push button will send
// 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15   16    17
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_0[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {48, 49, 44, 40, 37, 41, 43, 39, 46, 51, 47, 47, 48, 42, 36, 38, 45, 50};
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_1[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {64, 65, 60, 56, 53, 57, 59, 55, 62, 67, 63, 63, 64, 58, 52, 54, 61, 66};
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_2[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {80, 81, 76, 72, 69, 73, 75, 71, 78, 83, 79, 79, 80, 74, 68, 70, 77, 82};
const int MIDI_NOTE_NUM_3[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =   {96, 97, 92, 88, 85, 89, 91, 87, 94, 99, 95, 95, 96, 90, 84, 86, 93, 98};
const int MIDI_NOTE_VELS[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =  {110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110};
const int MIDI_CC_NUMS[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =    {51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68};
const int MIDI_CC_VALS[NUM_OF_BUTTONS] =    {65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65};

// create an empty array that will be populated in the runtime depending on the bank selected

//The setup function. Called once when the Teensy is turned on or restarted
void setup()
  // Configure the pins for input mode with pullup resistors.
  // The buttons/switch connect from each pin to ground.  When
  // the button is pressed/on, the pin reads LOW because the button
  // shorts it to ground.  When released/off, the pin reads HIGH
  // because the pullup resistor connects to +5 volts inside
  // the chip.  LOW for "on", and HIGH for "off" may seem
  // backwards, but using the on-chip pullup resistors is very
  // convenient.  The scheme is called "active low", and it's
  // very commonly used in electronics... so much that the chip
  // has built-in pullup resistors!

  for (int i = 0; i < 24 + 1; i++)
    pinMode (i, INPUT_PULLUP);
  //  Serial.begin(115200);

//The loop function. Called over-and-over once the setup function has been called.

void loop()
    int n0 = analogRead(A19) / 8;
    int n1 = analogRead(A20) / 8;
    int n2 = analogRead(A21) / 8;
    int n3 = analogRead(A22) / 8;
    // only check the analog inputs 50 times per second,
  // to prevent a flood of MIDI messages
  if (msec >= 20) {
    msec = 0;
    // only transmit MIDI messages if analog input changed
    if (n0 != previousA19) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA19, n0, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA19 = n0;
    if (n1 != previousA20) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA20, n1, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA20 = n1;
    if (n2 != previousA21) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA21, n2, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA21 = n2;
    if (n3 != previousA22) {
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange(controllerA22, n3, MIDI_CHAN);
      previousA22 = n3;
  // Update all the buttons/switch. There should not be any long
  // delays in loop(), so this runs repetitively at a rate
  // faster than the buttons could be pressed and released.


    // Check the status of each push button
    int analogPotVal = analogRead(bank_pot);

    int bankVal = map(analogPotVal, 0, 1023, 0, 1000);
    //    Serial.println(bankVal);

    if (bankVal <= 250) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_0[a];
    } else if (bankVal > 250 && bankVal <= 500) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_1[a];
    } else if (bankVal > 500 && bankVal <= 750) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_2[a];
    } else if (bankVal > 750 && bankVal <= 1000) {
      for (int a = 0; a < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; a++) {
        MIDI_NOTE_NUM[a] = MIDI_NOTE_NUM_3[a];

    // If the below line does not work comment out the below line and uncomment the next line
    midiMode = (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) ? MIDI_MODE_CCS : MIDI_MODE_NOTES;
    // midiMode = button2.fallingEdge() ? MIDI_MODE_CCS : MIDI_MODE_NOTES;

    // Check each button for "falling" edge.
    // Falling = high (not pressed - voltage from pullup resistor) to low (pressed - button connects pin to ground)

    /* if (buttons[i + 1].fallingEdge())
      //If in note mode send a MIDI note-on message.
      //Else send a CC message.
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn (MIDI_NOTE_NUMS[i], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[i], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[i], MIDI_CC_VALS[i], MIDI_CHAN);

    if (button0.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[0], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[0], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button1.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[1], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[14], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[1], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button3.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[2], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[12], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[2], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button4.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[3], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[11], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[3], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button6.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[3], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[11], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[3], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button8.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[4], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[10], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[4], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button9.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[5], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[5], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button19.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[6], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[1], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[6], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
    if (button20.fallingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[7], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[2], MIDI_CHAN);
        usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[7], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);

//    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_BUTTONS; i++)
//  {
//  }
  if (button21.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[15], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[15], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button13.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[8], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button18.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[8], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button15.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[9], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button16.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[10], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[5], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[10], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button22.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[11], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[6], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[11], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button11.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[13], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[8], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[13], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button7.fallingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[14], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[14], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button23.fallingEdge()) // sends note 14 on button 23
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[16], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[16], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  /*if (button17.fallingEdge()) // sends note 17 on button 17
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
     usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[17], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button5.fallingEdge()) // sends note 17 on button 17
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[17], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);
      usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[17], MIDI_CC_VALS[0], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button0.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[0], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button1.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[1], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[14], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button3.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[2], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[12], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button4.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[3], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[11], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button8.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[4], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[10], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button9.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[5], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[0], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button19.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[6], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[1], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button20.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[7], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[2], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button13.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[8], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[3], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button18.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[8], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[3], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button15.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[9], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[4], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button16.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[10], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[5], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button22.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[11], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[6], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button23.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[16], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[7], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button11.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[13], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[8], MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button7.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[14], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[9], MIDI_CHAN);

  if (button21.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[15], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);
  /*if (button17.risingEdge())
      if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
        usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[17], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13],MIDI_CHAN);
  if (button5.risingEdge())
    if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
      usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(MIDI_NOTE_NUM[17], MIDI_NOTE_VELS[13], MIDI_CHAN);

  // Check each button for "rising" edge
  // Rising = low (pressed - button connects pin to ground) to high (not pressed - voltage from pullup resistor)
      else if (buttons[i + 1].risingEdge())
        //If in note mode send a MIDI note-off message.
        //Else send a CC message with a value of 0.
        if (midiMode == MIDI_MODE_NOTES)
          usbMIDI.sendNoteOff (MIDI_NOTE_NUMS[i], 0, MIDI_CHAN);
          usbMIDI.sendControlChange (MIDI_CC_NUMS[i], 0, MIDI_CHAN);

  //for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)

  // Check the status of the toggle switch, and set the MIDI mode based on this.

  // MIDI Controllers should discard incoming MIDI messages.
  while (
    // ignoring incoming messages, so don't do anything here.

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