Teensy 4.1 and Adafruit Fona display keypad example, buttons wont release.

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I am using a 320x240 ILI9341 display with XPT2046 touchscreen. I copied and pasted in all code regarding the phone keypad buttons and display for the Adafruit Fona project on github, it works fine for the most part but I am having a problem with the touchscreen buttons not releasing. Has anyone encountered this and how can I mitigate it? I am not using the actual Fona code since I am just interested in using the layout of the buttons and how to detect press and release. I may have missed something I should have copied, but I get no errors in the IDE output.

I've spent 3 days, so far, trying to get all this working, I've read through most of the libs and am a bit stumped. Is there a better lib or a more reliable button mechanism for touchscreens and buttons layouts?

All code is wired as depicted on https://www.pjrc.com/store/display_ili9341_touch.html . I have modified the positions of the buttons and text diplays slightly from the original code so I can add some features at a later date.

Thank you in advance,

Main Program
// Tests for touchscreen ILI9341_t3
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <ILI9341_t3.h>
#include <XPT2046_Touchscreen.h>

#include "namedColors.h"

// This is calibration data for the raw touch data to the screen coordinates (Set to your Display)
#define TS_MINX 200
#define TS_MINY 175
#define TS_MAXX 3837
#define TS_MAXY 3737

// Device chip select pins
#define XPT_CS 8
#define TFT_CS 10

XPT2046_Touchscreen ts(XPT_CS);

// TFT Data/Command pin
#define TFT_DC 9
ILI9341_t3 tft = ILI9341_t3(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);

// Button Code from Adafruit example for "Arduino Phone"
#define BUTTON_X           50
#define BUTTON_Y          140
#define BUTTON_W           60
#define BUTTON_H           30
#define BUTTON_SPACING_X   10
#define BUTTON_SPACING_Y   10
#define BUTTON_TEXTSIZE     2

// text box where numbers go
#define TEXT_X 10
#define TEXT_Y 60
#define TEXT_W 220
#define TEXT_H 50
#define TEXT_TSIZE 3
// the data (phone #) we store in the textfield
#define TEXT_LEN 12
char textfield[TEXT_LEN+1] = "";
uint8_t textfield_i=0;

// We have a status line for like, is FONA working
#define STATUS_X 10
#define STATUS_Y 113

/* create 15 buttons, in classic candybar phone style */
char buttonlabels[15][5] = {      "Send",           "Clr",      "End",
                                     "1",             "2",        "3",
                                     "4",             "5",        "6",
                                     "7",             "8",        "9",
                                     "*",             "0",        "#" };
uint16_t buttoncolors[15] = {c_darkgreen,      c_darkgrey,      c_red,
                                  c_blue,      c_blue,          c_blue, 
                                  c_blue,      c_blue,          c_blue, 
                                  c_blue,      c_blue,          c_blue, 
                                  c_orange,    c_blue,          c_orange};
Adafruit_GFX_Button buttons[15];

// Print something in the mini status bar with either flashstring
void status(const __FlashStringHelper *msg) {
  tft.fillRect(STATUS_X, STATUS_Y, 240, 8, ILI9341_BLACK);
  tft.setCursor(STATUS_X, STATUS_Y);
// or charstring
void status(char *msg) {
  tft.fillRect(STATUS_X, STATUS_Y, 240, 8, ILI9341_BLACK);
  tft.setCursor(STATUS_X, STATUS_Y);

/// JJP Code follows, different display sizes will require modifications of this code, also
/// if you change the orientation.
const int screenWidth     = ILI9341_TFTWIDTH;  // WIDTH from the include
const int screenHeight    = ILI9341_TFTHEIGHT; // HEIGHT from the include

//Font properties
const int fntWidth       = 6;
const int fntHeight      = 8;

// Screen Properties (Dynamicly created with values above)
const int screenMaxCharsPerLine = screenWidth/fntWidth;
const int screenMaxLines = screenHeight/fntHeight;

// padding in pixels, incase font is slightly off screen
const int cpadding = 0; //Column Padding
const int rpadding = 0; // Row/Line Padding

// 53 Columns (0 to 52) and 30 Rows (0 to 29) on a 320x240 display.  I use this for calculating the
// columns for text placement using setCursor, default font 6x8!
int tftCol[screenMaxCharsPerLine];
int tftRow[screenMaxLines];

// custom function defines with default values
void cls(int color = c_black, int rotation = 0, int tsRotation = 2); // Set some defaults (SD pins at top of display) touchscreen rotation differs from actual display

void setup() {
  //start the display and touchscreen

  // setup easy access for text positions using rows and columns
  for (byte i = 0; i < screenMaxCharsPerLine; i++){
    tftCol[i] = (cpadding+(i*fntWidth));
  for (byte i = 0; i < screenMaxLines; i++){
    tftRow[i] = (rpadding+(i*fntHeight));

  // blank the screen to black, set color (fg and bg) to defaults
  tft.setTextColor(c_white, c_black);


  // create buttons
  for (uint8_t row=0; row<5; row++) {
    for (uint8_t col=0; col<3; col++) {
      buttons[col + row*3].initButton(&tft, BUTTON_X+col*(BUTTON_W+BUTTON_SPACING_X), 
                 BUTTON_Y+row*(BUTTON_H+BUTTON_SPACING_Y),    // x, y, w, h, outline, fill, text
                  BUTTON_W, BUTTON_H, c_white, buttoncolors[col+row*3], c_white,
                  buttonlabels[col + row*3], BUTTON_TEXTSIZE); 
      buttons[col + row*3].drawButton();
  // create 'text field'
  tft.drawRect(TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, TEXT_W, TEXT_H, c_white);


void loop() {
  //drawNumpad(); // using FONA code from Adafruit for the Keypad

  TS_Point p;
  if (ts.bufferSize()){
    p = ts.getPoint();
  } else {
    // this is our way of tracking touch 'release'!
    p.x = p.y = p.z = -1;

  // Scale from ~0->4000 to tft.width using the calibration #'s
  if (p.z != -1) {
    p.x = map(p.x, TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, 0, tft.width());
    p.y = map(p.y, TS_MINY, TS_MAXY, 0, tft.height());
    Serial.print("("); Serial.print(p.x); Serial.print(", "); 
    Serial.print(p.y); Serial.print(", "); 
    Serial.print(p.z); Serial.println(") ");

  // go thru all the buttons, checking if they were pressed
  for (uint8_t b=0; b<15; b++) {
    if (buttons[b].contains(p.x, p.y)) {
      Serial.print("Pressing: "); Serial.println(b);
      buttons[b].press(true);  // tell the button it is pressed
    } else {
      buttons[b].press(false);  // tell the button it is NOT pressed

  // now we can ask the buttons if their state has changed
  for (uint8_t b=0; b<15; b++) {
    if (buttons[b].justReleased()) {
      Serial.print("Released: "); Serial.println(b);
      buttons[b].drawButton();  // draw normal
    if (buttons[b].justPressed()) {
        buttons[b].drawButton(true);  // draw invert!
        // if a numberpad button, append the relevant # to the textfield
        if (b >= 3) {
          if (textfield_i < TEXT_LEN) {
            textfield[textfield_i] = buttonlabels[b][0];
      textfield[textfield_i] = 0; // zero terminate

        // clr button! delete char
        if (b == 1) {
          textfield[textfield_i] = 0;
          if (textfield > 0) {
            textfield[textfield_i] = ' ';

        // update the current text field
        tft.setCursor(TEXT_X + 2, TEXT_Y+10);
        tft.setTextColor(TEXT_TCOLOR, ILI9341_BLACK);

        // its always OK to just hang up
        if (b == 2) {
          status(F("Hanging up"));
        // we dont really check that the text field makes sense
        // just try to call
        if (b == 0) {
          Serial.print("Sending "); Serial.print(textfield);
      delay(100); // UI debouncing

void drawNumpad(){
  tft.fillRoundRect(20, 260, 80, 40, 10, c_navy);
  tft.drawRoundRect(20, 260, 80, 40, 10, c_maroon);

  tft.setTextColor(c_white, c_black);

void checkTouch(){

  // just testing, menu is not yet selectable
  TS_Point p = ts.getPoint();

  p.x = map(p.x, TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, 0, screenWidth);
  p.y = map(p.y, TS_MINY, TS_MAXY, 0, screenHeight);

  String sx = "X = " + String(p.x) + "     ";
  String sy = "Y = " + String(p.y) + "     ";
  pl(sx, 0, 0);
  pl(sy, 1, 0);

void uprint(String txt, int fg_color, int bg_color, int lineNumber, int columnNumber){
  tft.setTextColor(fg_color, bg_color);
  pl(txt, lineNumber, columnNumber);

// Print a string based on line and column number calculated in the arrays
void pl(String txt, int lineNumber, int columnNumber){
  tft.setCursor(tftCol[columnNumber], tftRow[lineNumber]);

// Clear the screen with screen rotation
void cls(int color, int rotation, int tsRotation){

#define c_black       ILI9341_BLACK
#define c_navy        ILI9341_NAVY
#define c_darkgreen   ILI9341_DARKGREEN
#define c_darkcyan    ILI9341_DARKCYAN
#define c_maroon      ILI9341_MAROON
#define c_purple      ILI9341_PURPLE
#define c_olive       ILI9341_OLIVE
#define c_lightgrey   ILI9341_LIGHTGREY
#define c_darkgrey    ILI9341_DARKGREY
#define c_blue        ILI9341_BLUE
#define c_green       ILI9341_GREEN
#define c_cyan        ILI9341_CYAN
#define c_red         ILI9341_RED
#define c_magenta     ILI9341_MAGENTA
#define c_yellow      ILI9341_YELLOW
#define c_white       ILI9341_WHITE
#define c_orange      ILI9341_ORANGE
#define c_greenyellow ILI9341_GREENYELLOW
#define c_pink        ILI9341_PINK

// from https://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/app/rgb/tree/rgb.txt
// converted with http://www.rinkydinkelectronics.com/calc_rgb565.php
#define c_AliceBlue 0xF7DF
#define c_Snow      0xFFDF
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