Coding Neotrellis M4 with Mic onboard

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Newbie here in this forum. Hi, everyone!

A week so far, I had been struggle to code snippet or modify from some examples of Neotrellis M4 library. My project goal is to have Neotrellis M4 board as standalone. One time, my sons and I played Sixteen Step Sequenencer (example from There are eight buttons to record. My son wanted to record but had to pulled my headphone out to speak on microphone built-in, that is why I wanted to have mic onboard speak to Neotrellis M4 instead of drag out of my headphone. Hence, the first step is to have a Adafruit microphone amplifier onboard then later speaker and lipo-battery with charger on board.

I had set up- Adafruit Microphone Amplifier to Neotrellis M4 STEMMA port : GND to GND, VCC to VCC, OUT to SDA, and GAIN to GND
....... hmm, it won't allow me upload my photo of my simple setup....Odd... it is JPG file. Oh, well.

I modified one thing to AudioInputAnalog MicAmp(A4, INPUT_PULLUP); from AudioInputStereo audioInput(MIC,0); and got the error messages "'AudioInputAnalog' does not name a type; did you mean 'AudioInputAnalogStereo'?"

View attachment trellis_audio_fft_motified.ino

Please let me know if you are able to view the code that I had attached. I am very new to this forum place, I had been to other places but this one is only my hope to get answer soon since Neotrellis M4 rely on PJRC a lot.
I thought Neotrellis works with a SAMD? Where is the Teensy or PJRC involved? :)
I never read anything about Neotrellis here.. that's new to me... Adafruit copied an old version of the PJRC Audiolibrary.. might be better to ask Adafruit?
Adafruit has their own fork (version) of the PJRC audio library. It is a somewhat stripped down version of the original PJRC code. In particular, the Adafruit fork does not have AudioInputAnalog which is why the compiler says "does not name a type".
To use the Neotrellis M4, you need to use Adafruit's documentation of their fork of the PJRC library. If you have problems, you'll have to ask Adafruit.

edit: Erk, while I was composing this missive, two others replied.
@ Frank B, you are correct that Neotrellis M4 uses SAMD chip.

@ everyone who reply to my message: Thank you, I truly appreciate your suggestions. Points taken. Thanks, I am going to figure it out whom I need to contact on Adafruit Discord to add the library. Hope that will help other tinkers better to get an idea what Neotrellis M4 Express board can do.
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