resource for SGTL5000 methods

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I've just received my new Teensy 4.0 and T4 Audio Shield. I connected an HX8357 480x320 TFT display. I loaded the example program "fft_hx8357_example.ino" I found on the Forum (I'm sorry but I don't remember the author of the program but a big shout-out), compiled it, loaded it, and got it to run successfully. This is an excellent starting point to what I ultimately want to do.

Is there a summary of the object methods for the SGTL5000 audio processor? I tried a couple of modifications without success ( for instance, I changed sgtl5000.inputSelect(AUDIO_INPUT_MIC) to sgtl5000.inputSelect(AUDIO_INPUT_LINE) to use the line input but it didn't compile successfully).

A summary of all the associated functions would be greatly appreciated (hopefully in .pdf format).

Go to the Audio design tool and drag one of the sgtl5000's into the frame, you get all the docs displayed.
(It shows AUDIO_INPUT_LINEIN as the value to use)
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