SerialFlash library. Anyone written a "free space remaining" function?

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I've added a serial flash chip to a T3.6 project. All is well, but it would be handy to be able to easily figure out the free space remaining. The library doesn't support that directly, so I'm wondering if someone has already written something?

For those who aren't familiar with this library, there's a complication because files can be "removed", but that doesn't free the space they used. It frees the name to be used again.

An excellent library, BTW!

does (total - used) not give you the desired result?
Sure, if used is not updated when files are added or removed, it is only useful in the beginning.
Indeed, I could do something along these lines, but that would need "used" to be maintained over power cycles. That can certainly be done but I was wondering if someone had come up with a nice way of getting the information from the flash directly.
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