Many TLAs: MTP MSC FS SD SDFat LittleFS UsbMSCFat to work with each other 8)

Just tried changing a 2 partition fat32 to exFAT. Partition 1 reformatted to exFAT no problem. Partition 0 formatted successfully but windows giving me an error about Filesytem not recognized.

Converting the 2 exFATs back to FAT32's seemed to work.

Didn't see any hangs. Are you using the updated files in post @273?
A little debugging and found it is crashing in the debug code...
***** Partition List *****
0(0:1):>> ExFat: Volume name:(VOL_FAT) Partition Total Size:2080374784 Used:284950528 time us: 3753
1(0:2):>> ExFat: Volume name:(VOL_FAT32) Partition Total Size:3128950784 Used:126615552 time us: 5502
2(0:3):>> ExFat: Volume name:(Vol_ExFat) Partition Total Size:2791309312 Used:282198016 time us: 5499
3(ff:1):>> Fat32: Volume name:(VOL_BOOT) Partition Total Size:264289280 Used:47383552 time us: 94947
4(fe:1):>> ExFat: Volume name:(SDSPI_VOL) Partition Total Size:998768640 Used:239992832 time us: 1388
Enter command:

 **** Start format partition 1 ****

PFsFatFormatter::format called
    >> After read MBR
    >> After getVolumeLabel
Volume name:(VOL_FAT32)
Sector Count: 6144000, Sectors/MB: 2048
Partition Capacity (MB): 3000
Fat Type: 64

bool PFsFatFormatter::format(PFsVolume &partVol, uint8_t* secBuf, print_t* pr) {
  Serial.println("\nPFsFatFormatter::format called"); Serial.flush();
  MbrSector_t mbr;

  bool rtn;
  m_secBuf = secBuf;
  m_pr = pr;
  m_dev = partVol.blockDevice();
  m_part = partVol.part()-1;  // convert to 0 biased. 
  if (!m_dev->readSector(0, (uint8_t*)&mbr)) {
    Serial.print("\nread MBR failed.\n");
    return false;
  Serial.println("    >> After read MBR"); Serial.flush();
  MbrPart_t *pt = &mbr.part[m_part];
  m_sectorCount = getLe32(pt->totalSectors);
  m_capacityMB = (m_sectorCount + SECTORS_PER_MB - 1)/SECTORS_PER_MB;
  m_part_relativeSectors = getLe32(pt->relativeSectors);

  m_dataStart = partVol.dataStartSector();
  m_sectorsPerCluster = partVol.sectorsPerCluster();
  m_relativeSectors = getLe32(pt->relativeSectors);
  m_totalSectors = m_sectorCount;
  m_partType = pt->type;
  m_fatSize = partVol.getFatVol()->sectorsPerFat();
  bool has_volume_label = partVol.getVolumeLabel(volName, sizeof(volName));
Serial.println("    >> After getVolumeLabel"); Serial.flush();
#if defined(DBG_Print)

  if (has_volume_label) {
	Serial.printf("Volume name:(%s)", volName); Serial.flush();
  Serial.println("\nPFsFatFormatter::format................");  Serial.flush();
  Serial.printf("Sector Count: %d, Sectors/MB: %d\n", m_sectorCount, SECTORS_PER_MB); Serial.flush();
  Serial.printf("Partition Capacity (MB): %d\n", m_capacityMB); Serial.flush();
  Serial.printf("Fat Type: %d\n", partVol.fatType()); Serial.flush();
  Serial.printf("    m_dataStart:%u\n", partVol.dataStartSector()); Serial.flush();
  Serial.printf("    m_sectorsPerCluster:%u\n",partVol.sectorsPerCluster()); Serial.flush();
  Serial.printf("    m_relativeSectors:%u\n", getLe32(pt->relativeSectors)); Serial.flush();
[COLOR="#FF0000"]  Serial.printf("    m_sectorsPerFat: %u\n", partVol.getFatVol()->sectorsPerFat()); Serial.flush();[/COLOR]

Notice the code in RED...
Ok makes sense need to get that commented out. and it should work. I had debug turned off for the following.
Cards up to 2 GiB (GiB = 2^30 bytes) will be formated FAT16.
Cards larger than 2 GiB and up to 32 GiB will be formatted
FAT32. Cards larger than 32 GiB will be formatted exFAT.

Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 1
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20004100 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.

msc # Partition Table
FAT32:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,30044160
FAT32:	2,0,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,30046208,32505856
pt_#0:	3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
Partition 0 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 2)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 2)
Partition 1 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 3)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 3)
Partition 2 valid:0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 4)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 4)
Partition 3 valid:0
0:>> Fat32: Volume name:(v1) Partition Total Size:15378415616 Used:131072 time us: 229623
    Free Clusters: API: 469308 by CB:469308 time us: 229741
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 1743
1:>> Fat32: Volume name:(v2) Partition Total Size:16638803968 Used:98304 time us: 248623
    Free Clusters: API: 507773 by CB:507773 time us: 248617
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 4368
Enter 0, 1 , 2, or 3 for Partition or Enter to Bypass
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20004100 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
Partition 0 valid:1
Writing Partition Boot Sector
Write eight Extended Boot Sectors
Write OEM Parameter Sector and reserved sector
Write Boot CheckSum Sector
Writing exFAT .................................
Write cluster two, bitmap
Writing upcase table
Writing root
Format done
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
free clusters after begin on partVol: 117142
Press any key to run again
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20004100 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.

msc # Partition Table
exFAT:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,30044160
FAT32:	2,0,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,30046208,32505856
pt_#0:	3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
Partition 0 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 2)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 2)
Partition 1 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 3)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 3)
Partition 2 valid:0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 4)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 4)
Partition 3 valid:0
0:>> ExFat: Volume name:(v1) Partition Total Size:15365832704 Used:11796480 time us: 22251
    Free Clusters: API: 117142 by CB:0 time us: 0
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 0
1:>> Fat32: Volume name:(v2) Partition Total Size:16638803968 Used:196608 time us: 248623
    Free Clusters: API: 507770 by CB:507770 time us: 248616
    Free Clusters: Info: 507770 time us: 4368
Enter 0, 1 , 2, or 3 for Partition or Enter to Bypass
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20004100 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 2)
Partition 1 valid:1
Writing Partition Boot Sector
Write eight Extended Boot Sectors
Write OEM Parameter Sector and reserved sector
Write Boot CheckSum Sector
Writing exFAT ................................
Write cluster two, bitmap
Writing upcase table
Writing root
Format done
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 2)
free clusters after begin on partVol: 126752
Press any key to run again
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20004100 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.

msc # Partition Table
exFAT:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,30044160
exFAT:	2,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,30046208,32505856
pt_#0:	3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
Partition 0 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 2)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 2)
Partition 1 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 3)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 3)
Partition 2 valid:0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 4)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 4)
Partition 3 valid:0
0:>> ExFat: Volume name:(v1) Partition Total Size:15365832704 Used:12189696 time us: 22501
    Free Clusters: API: 117139 by CB:0 time us: 0
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 0
1:>> ExFat: Volume name:(v2) Partition Total Size:16626221056 Used:12976128 time us: 23753
    Free Clusters: API: 126749 by CB:0 time us: 0
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 0
Enter 0, 1 , 2, or 3 for Partition or Enter to Bypass

Press any key to run again
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20004100 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.

msc # Partition Table
exFAT:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,30044160
exFAT:	2,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,30046208,32505856
pt_#0:	3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
Partition 0 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 2)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 2)
Partition 1 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 3)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 3)
Partition 2 valid:0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 4)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 4)
Partition 3 valid:0
0:>> ExFat: Volume name:(v1) Partition Total Size:15365832704 Used:12189696 time us: 22251
    Free Clusters: API: 117139 by CB:0 time us: 0
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 0
1:>> ExFat: Volume name:(v2) Partition Total Size:16626221056 Used:12976128 time us: 23753
    Free Clusters: API: 126749 by CB:0 time us: 0
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 0
Enter 0, 1 , 2, or 3 for Partition or Enter to Bypass
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20004100 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
Partition 0 valid:1
ExFatFormatter - WIP
m_dataStart: 16384, m_fatSize: 3666, r: 15533
Writing FAT ................................
free clusters after format: 117139
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
free clusters after begin on partVol: 469308
Format Done
Press any key to run again
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20004100 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.

msc # Partition Table
FAT32:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,30044160
exFAT:	2,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,30046208,32505856
pt_#0:	3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
Partition 0 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 2)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 2)
Partition 1 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 3)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 3)
Partition 2 valid:0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 4)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 4)
Partition 3 valid:0
0:>> Fat32: Volume name:(v1) Partition Total Size:15378415616 Used:131072 time us: 229623
    Free Clusters: API: 469308 by CB:469308 time us: 229742
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 1743
1:>> ExFat: Volume name:(v2) Partition Total Size:16626221056 Used:12976128 time us: 23628
    Free Clusters: API: 126749 by CB:0 time us: 0
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 0
Enter 0, 1 , 2, or 3 for Partition or Enter to Bypass
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20004100 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 2)
Partition 1 valid:1
ExFatFormatter - WIP
m_dataStart: 16384, m_fatSize: 3967, r: 16135
Writing FAT ................................
free clusters after format: 126749
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 2)
free clusters after begin on partVol: 507773
Format Done
Press any key to run again
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20004100 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.

msc # Partition Table
FAT32:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,30044160
FAT32:	2,0,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,30046208,32505856
pt_#0:	3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 1)
Partition 0 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 2)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 2)
Partition 1 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 3)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 3)
Partition 2 valid:0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002584, 4)
PFsVolume::begin(20002584, 4)
Partition 3 valid:0
0:>> Fat32: Volume name:(v1) Partition Total Size:15378415616 Used:131072 time us: 229623
    Free Clusters: API: 469308 by CB:469308 time us: 229742
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 1743
1:>> Fat32: Volume name:(v2) Partition Total Size:16638803968 Used:98304 time us: 248623
    Free Clusters: API: 507773 by CB:507773 time us: 248617
    Free Clusters: Info: 4294967295 time us: 4368
Enter 0, 1 , 2, or 3 for Partition or Enter to Bypass

Right now just a hack in my MSCFormatter. Don't know what you have. But looks like it should work.
Just as a note. SectorCount and RelativeSectors come from the MBR not from getFatVol or getExFatVol so shouldn't have an issue with formatting unknow formats - I hope. Probably have to delete any prints that call those functions.
You might try my version, I was trying decide if to add it as different or replacement

But it gives me a list of valid partitions from up to 3 usb devices (have not tried more than 1 so far), plus the SDIO, plus I have one SD (SPI) currently on pin 10... Will make it a list as well...

Then you can enter command like: f 0 3
which says format the first partition for Fat32... 1 is for 16 although not sure if we can force either yet, and likewise f 0 e is for EX...

you can also do: l 0
and it will do an LS on the first partition...
or v 0 New_label
and it should set the label...


    14.5 KB · Views: 46
Well - downloaded and gave it a try and seems to work.

And no can't force Fat16 unless its smaller than 2GB. Its hardcoded.
I tested the changes and it appears that if the partition shows as EXTENDED you can reformat to any of the formats. However, if its shows a ext4 you can't get to it because its not in the partition list:
Initialize USB drive...UsbBase::mscBegin called 20006340 1 1
    After usbDriveBegin
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002c18, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002c18, 1)

msc # Partition Table
[COLOR="#FF0000"]exFAT:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,30044160
ext2/3/4:	2,0,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0x83,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,30046208,32505856[/COLOR]
pt_#0:	3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002c18, 1)
PFsVolume::begin(20002c18, 1)
drive 0 Partition 0 valid:1
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002c18, 2)
PFsVolume::begin(20002c18, 2)
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002c18, 3)
PFsVolume::begin(20002c18, 3)
PFsVolume::begin USBmscInterface(20002c18, 4)
PFsVolume::begin(20002c18, 4)

Initialize SDIO SD card...initialization failed.

Initialize SPI SD card...initialization failed.

***** Partition List *****
[COLOR="#FF0000"]0(0:1):>> ExFat: Volume name:(v1) Partition Total Size:15365832704 Used:12582912 time us: 23876

As a kludge tried it from hacked up MSCFormatter sketch and it formatted it as an exFAT so think the answer is yes it will reformat any partition so far.

I was thinking of adding code to get to those... We probably could initialize a PFsVolume, which would have the partition number and the blockdevice.
Neither the Fat or Exfat would be valid. But everything else could be read from the MBR...

I was also thinking that we might have some additional options that we could ponder.

For example: Should we

a) On some disks that have unused space at end unused partitions, we could create new one...

That is we can ask the device for number of sectors: Serial.printf(" Device sector count: %u\n", m_dev->sectorCount());
Also suppose we could emulate the other format program, which maybe allows whole disk to be reformatted as one partition?

Again probably beyond our needs.

I was thinking of adding code to get to those... We probably could initialize a PFsVolume, which would have the partition number and the blockdevice.
Neither the Fat or Exfat would be valid. But everything else could be read from the MBR...

I was also thinking that we might have some additional options that we could ponder.

For example: Should we

a) On some disks that have unused space at end unused partitions, we could create new one...

That is we can ask the device for number of sectors: Serial.printf(" Device sector count: %u\n", m_dev->sectorCount());
Also suppose we could emulate the other format program, which maybe allows whole disk to be reformatted as one partition?

Again probably beyond our needs.

Was thinking about that but then I went to something that @wwatson was working on a "add partitions" for MSC? Think if we are going down that path we are going to be going down the proverbial rabbit hole. I do know that we like rabbit holes though. Probably easy enough to format the whole disk though - would just need the total sectors and the starting sector :)

The question is now how you going to put this all into MTP?

Remember that we that other list as well to work on FS additions, date-time etc.
Pulled in your changes :D

What do you think, should I just update with my version of the sketch?

As for MTP, probably will look into doing some stuff soon. Like maybe supporting SD Cards to format.
Yep - go ahead and merge your version. More versatile now we made the changes to formatted classes
@ good morning all...

I am playing some more with the Fat formatter to see if something can be sped up...

But I am pretty sure I have run into an issue, that investigating:

I am hacking up the initFatDir function, so far I have done some stuff brute force, but was wondering what the speed up might be if I told the system
to write 32 sectors at a time for this... Code below:

bool PFsFatFormatter::initFatDir(uint8_t fatType, uint32_t sectorCount) {
  Serial.printf("PFsFatFormatter::initFatDir(%u, %u)\n", fatType, sectorCount);
  size_t n;
  uint32_t fat_sector = 1;
  writeMsg("Writing FAT ");
  if (sectorCount >= CSECTORS_PER_WRITE) {
    uint8_t *large_buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(BYTES_PER_SECTOR * CSECTORS_PER_WRITE);
    if (large_buffer) {
      memset(large_buffer, 0, BYTES_PER_SECTOR * CSECTORS_PER_WRITE);
      uint32_t sectors_remaining = sectorCount;
      uint32_t loops_per_dot = sectorCount/(32*CSECTORS_PER_WRITE);
      uint32_t loop_count = 0;
      while (sectors_remaining >= CSECTORS_PER_WRITE) {
        if (!m_dev->writeSectors(m_fatStart + fat_sector, large_buffer, CSECTORS_PER_WRITE)) {
           return false;
        fat_sector += CSECTORS_PER_WRITE;
        sectors_remaining -= CSECTORS_PER_WRITE;
        if (++loop_count == loops_per_dot) {
          loop_count = 0;
      if (sectors_remaining) {
        if (!m_dev->writeSectors(m_fatStart + fat_sector, large_buffer, sectors_remaining)) {
           return false;
        fat_sector += sectors_remaining;
  if (fat_sector < sectorCount) {
    memset(m_secBuf, 0, BYTES_PER_SECTOR);
    for (; fat_sector < sectorCount; fat_sector++) {
      if (!m_dev->writeSector(m_fatStart + fat_sector, m_secBuf)) {
         return false;
      if ((fat_sector%(sectorCount/32)) == 0) {
  // Allocate reserved clusters and root for FAT32.
  m_secBuf[0] = 0XF8;
  n = fatType == 16 ? 4 : 12;
  for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++) {
    m_secBuf[i] = 0XFF;
  return m_dev->writeSector(m_fatStart, m_secBuf) &&
         m_dev->writeSector(m_fatStart + m_fatSize, m_secBuf);

But I think there is another issue, in how many sectors to write... That is on a successful run, the ending parts of output show:
***** Partition List *****
0(0:1):>> Fat16:  Partition Total Size:2096857088 Used:1802240 time us: 16500
1(0:2):>> Fat32: Volume name:(VOL_FAT32) Partition Total Size:3141533696 Used:98304 time us: 47623
2(0:3):>> ExFat: Volume name:(Vol_ExFat) Partition Total Size:2791309312 Used:282198016 time us: 5499
3(ff:1):>> Fat32: Volume name:(VOL_BOOT) Partition Total Size:264289280 Used:47383552 time us: 94949
4(fe:1):>> ExFat: Volume name:(SDSPI_VOL) Partition Total Size:998768640 Used:239992832 time us: 1387
Enter command:

 **** Start format partition 1 ****
m_dataStart: 16384, m_fatSize: 749, r: 9699
[COLOR="#FF0000"]PFsFatFormatter::initFatDir(32, 1562)[/COLOR]
Writing FAT ................................................
free clusters after format: 95865
free clusters after begin on partVol: 95865
Format Done
Press any key to run again

But in another run that was taking forever...

***** Partition List *****
0(0:1):>> Fat16:  Partition Total Size:2096857088 Used:140737488322560 time us: 16500
1(0:2):>> Fat32: Volume name:(VOL_FAT32) Partition Total Size:3141533696 Used:98304 time us: 47623
2(0:3):>> ExFat: Volume name:(Vol_ExFat) Partition Total Size:2791309312 Used:282198016 time us: 5499
3(ff:1):>> Fat32: Volume name:(VOL_BOOT) Partition Total Size:264289280 Used:47383552 time us: 94953
4(fe:1):>> ExFat: Volume name:(SDSPI_VOL) Partition Total Size:998768640 Used:239992832 time us: 1387
Enter command:

 **** Start format partition 0 ****
PFsFatFormatter::initFatDir(16, [COLOR="#FF0000"]4294966015[/COLOR])
Writing FAT

Notice how many Fat sectors it was trying to write: 8)
Not sure why without some debugging. But it looks like the MBR is getting messed up some how. Sector count is changing from run to run and it shouldn't be. So not really sure whats going on.

Other thing is that on your first run FAT type is 32 but on the second run its 16?
***** Partition List *****
0(0:1):>> Fat16:  Partition Total Size:2096857088 Used:140737488322560 time us: 16500
1(0:2):>> Fat32:  Partition Total Size:3141533696 Used:229376 time us: 47625
2(0:3):>> ExFat: Volume name:(Vol_ExFat) Partition Total Size:2791309312 Used:282198016 time us: 5874
3(ff:1):>> Fat32: Volume name:(VOL_BOOT) Partition Total Size:264289280 Used:47383552 time us: 94945
4(fe:1):>> ExFat: Volume name:(SDSPI_VOL) Partition Total Size:998768640 Used:239992832 time us: 1389
Enter command:

 **** Start format partition 0 ****

Sector Count: 4096000, Sectors/MB: 2048
Partition Capacity (MB): 2000
Fat Type: 16

m_relativeSectors: 235, m_fatSize: 250, m_dataStart: 768
partType: 6, fatStart: 236, totalSectors: 4095765
Updated partType: 6, dataStart: 768 fatStart: 2049, totalSectors: 4096000
PFsFatFormatter::initFatDir(16, 4294966015)
Writing FAT

There appears to be an issue in Fat16... I turned on debug...
I then noticed you again updated fat start after you printed it, so I printed again,
#if defined(DBG_Print)
  Serial.printf("partType: %d, fatStart: %d, totalSectors: %d\n", m_partType, m_fatStart, m_totalSectors);

	//Added to keep relative sectors straight
	m_relativeSectors = m_part_relativeSectors;
	m_fatStart = m_relativeSectors + m_reservedSectorCount;
	m_totalSectors = m_sectorCount;

  // write MBR
  if (!writeMbr()) {
	return false;
[COLOR="#FF0000"]#if defined(DBG_Print)
  Serial.printf("Updated partType: %d, dataStart: %d fatStart: %d, totalSectors: %d\n", m_partType, m_dataStart, m_fatStart, m_totalSectors);

  setLe16(pbs->bpb.bpb16.rootDirEntryCount, FAT16_ROOT_ENTRY_COUNT);
  setLe16(pbs->bpb.bpb16.sectorsPerFat16, m_fatSize);
  pbs->bpb.bpb16.physicalDriveNumber = 0X80;
  pbs->bpb.bpb16.extSignature = EXTENDED_BOOT_SIGNATURE;
  setLe32(pbs->bpb.bpb16.volumeSerialNumber, 1234567);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(pbs->bpb.bpb16.volumeLabel); i++) {
    pbs->bpb.bpb16.volumeLabel[i] = ' ';
  pbs->bpb.bpb16.volumeType[0] = 'F';
  pbs->bpb.bpb16.volumeType[1] = 'A';
  pbs->bpb.bpb16.volumeType[2] = 'T';
  pbs->bpb.bpb16.volumeType[3] = '1';
  pbs->bpb.bpb16.volumeType[4] = '6';
  if (!m_dev->writeSector(m_relativeSectors, m_secBuf)) {
    return false;
  return initFatDir(16, m_dataStart - m_fatStart);
So if you look at the updated output:
Updated partType: 6, dataStart: 768 fatStart: 2049, totalSectors: 4096000
You will see fatStart > dataStart so ... We have lots of sectors... Not sure which is wrong, Maybe dataStart needs to be recalculated?

Or maybe because the partition is: 0(0:1):>> Fat16: Partition Total Size:2096857088 Used:140737488322560 time us: 16500
Maybe without the using old data it wants to be Fat32...

Think I know what is happening. If the partition is less <= 2GB its going to format it as FAT16, if greater than 2GB and its going to be FAT32. See the uncommented line.
  rtn = m_sectorCount < 0X400000 ? makeFat16() :makeFat32();
  //if(partVol.fatType() == 16) {
//	writeMsg("format makeFAT16\r\n");  
//	rtn = makeFat16();
//  } else if(partVol.fatType() == 32) {
//	writeMsg("format makeFAT2\r\n");  
//	rtn = makeFat32();
//  }	else {
//	  rtn = false;
//  }
Think we going to have to rethink that test.
Yep - we probably either need to always rethink the test to use the test... And/or need to detect that it was Fat16 before and if so reuse what it was using before...

Not sure if that makes sense?
Note: I have tried commenting out the lines:
	//Added to keep relative sectors straight
#if 0  
	m_relativeSectors = m_part_relativeSectors;
	m_fatStart = m_relativeSectors + m_reservedSectorCount;
	m_totalSectors = m_sectorCount;
And it runs now... Not sure of the side effects. But figured may be it was in here for when things were hard coded?
Before going further I decided on a retest of what we have with a single 32GB partition:
Our output shows:
exFAT:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,122126336
pt_#0:	2,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
drive 0 Partition 0 valid:1
***** Partition List *****
0(0:1):>> ExFat: Volume name:(v1Test) Partition Total Size:62525538304 Used:786432 time us: 58500
Now lets change it to a FAT32 doing a f 0 32:
Enter command:

 **** Start format partition 0 ****
m_dataStart: 16384, m_fatSize: 7454, r: 23109
m_dataStart: 24576, m_fatSize: 7453, r: 23107
Writing FAT ................................
free clusters after format: 477032
free clusters after begin on partVol: 953981
Format Done
Press any key to run again
[COLOR="#FF0000"]FAT32:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,122126336
[/COLOR]pt_#0:	2,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0:	4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
drive 0 Partition 0 valid:1

Initialize SDIO SD card...initialization failed.

Initialize SPI SD card...initialization failed.

***** Partition List *****
[COLOR="#FF0000"]0(0:1):>> Fat32: Volume name:(v1Test) Partition Total Size:0 Used:0 time us: 466248
It shows that it went from exFAT to FAT32 successfully but the partition list is showing total size 0 and used 0? If I put it in windows:
Its showing free and used space and windows has no problems recognizing it. If I turn power on and off still shows 0?
Note: I have tried commenting out the lines:
	//Added to keep relative sectors straight
#if 0  
	m_relativeSectors = m_part_relativeSectors;
	m_fatStart = m_relativeSectors + m_reservedSectorCount;
	m_totalSectors = m_sectorCount;
And it runs now... Not sure of the side effects. But figured may be it was in here for when things were hard coded?

One big side effect is going to be when you do any partition other than Partition 0. Bill has m_relativeSectors hardcoded as 8192 for FAT32 and 128 for FAT16.
Going from exFAT to FAT32 - by the way I updated initFatDir to your revised code - works:
msc # Partition Table
FAT32:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,61675520
exFAT:	2,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,61677568,60817408
exFAT:	3,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,122494976,68661248
exFAT:	4,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,191156224,50868224
drive 0 Partition 0 valid:1
drive 0 Partition 1 valid:1
drive 0 Partition 2 valid:1
drive 0 Partition 3 valid:1

Initialize SDIO SD card...initialization failed.

Initialize SPI SD card...initialization failed.

***** Partition List *****
0(0:1):>> Fat32: Volume name:(V1) Partition Total Size:31569477632 Used:31064064 time us: 471123
1(0:2):>> ExFat: Volume name:(V2) Partition Total Size:31121735680 Used:23592960 time us: 22253
2(0:3):>> ExFat: Volume name:(V3) Partition Total Size:35121004544 Used:27131904 time us: 25250
3(0:4):>> ExFat: Volume name:(v4) Partition Total Size:26027753472 Used:20447232 time us: 18875
ok now with your revised code reformatting part 0:1 to fat32 again works:
msc # Partition Table
FAT32:	1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,61675520
exFAT:	2,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,61677568,60817408
exFAT:	3,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,122494976,68661248
exFAT:	4,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,191156224,50868224
drive 0 Partition 0 valid:1
drive 0 Partition 1 valid:1
drive 0 Partition 2 valid:1
drive 0 Partition 3 valid:1

Initialize SDIO SD card...initialization failed.

Initialize SPI SD card...initialization failed.

***** Partition List *****
0(0:1):>> Fat32: Volume name:(V1) Partition Total Size:31569477632 Used:31064064 time us: 471123
1(0:2):>> ExFat: Volume name:(V2) Partition Total Size:31121735680 Used:23592960 time us: 22253
2(0:3):>> ExFat: Volume name:(V3) Partition Total Size:35121004544 Used:27131904 time us: 25250
3(0:4):>> ExFat: Volume name:(v4) Partition Total Size:26027753472 Used:20447232 time us: 18875
One big side effect is going to be when you do any partition other than Partition 0. Bill has m_relativeSectors hardcoded as 8192 for FAT32 and 128 for FAT16.

FAT16 is failing period end of story have to figure out why. Has to be some other difference I am not seeing.

Think there is a problem when trying to get relative sectors for FAT16. For instance if I try to format partition 3 it returns 157? My T4 just died so can't go further for a little bit.