Teensy USBhost mention in RP2040 feather bring up


Senior Member+
I happened to be listening to the Desk of Ladyada where among other things she talks about bringing up the future feather version of the RP2040. She said that normally she likes to make test jigs from Teensy (unless she needed Raspberry Pi for some things). The RP2040 has UF2 disk drive for the bootloader, and around 13 minutes of the video she talks that the Teensy 3.6 USBhost support was really useful to download test firmware to the feather RP2040.
Cool :: youtu.be/qkN2TXqj59M?t=636 :: ~10 m 40 sec :: Favorite testers are Teensy

USBHost to DF@ program the RP2040: youtu.be/qkN2TXqj59M?t=797

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