Teensy 4.1 OneWire issues

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I'm trying to get my project up and running, reading 4 x Thermocouples from on MAX31850 OneWire boards.
As far as I can tell, everything is wired correctly, but it isn't seeing any of the boards, I have paired the setup down to a single MAX31850, but no luck. (Wiring as per Powered mode shown on the Adafruit website: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-1-wire-thermocouple-amplifier-max31850k/wiring-and-test).

I have checked, and the pullup resistor is 4.6k. i can see 5v where is should see 5v and 3.3v where I'm expecting 3.3v.

I'm using the "Multiple" code in the DallasTemperature Library, which works on my UNO, but moving to my Teensy and I have no luck.

Are there different commands needed for OneWire on Teensy? or a different Library I should be using?

any help is appreciated.

EDIT: After a bit of poking with the multimeter, and checked the pinout. I'm now using Pin 6 rather than Pin 2. and i found that my breadboard power/earth runners along the edge are broken
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as indicated on adafruit web page use only 3.3V and no level shifters as 5V will kill T4.1
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