Memory hints

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Frank B

Senior Member
Has anyone used or tried "memory hints" (assembler commands) and can say if they work and are useful on Teensy 3...4?
Like this :: asm volatile("" : : : "memory");

Paul added that to t_4's : delay.c :: uint32_t micros(void)

With that and a conditional - that is about NEVER true - it runs at least 2 clocks cycles faster than before.
or something like this?
in cmsis_gcc.h
  \brief   Enable IRQ Interrupts
  \details Enables IRQ interrupts by clearing the I-bit in the CPSR.
           Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __enable_irq(void)
  __ASM volatile ("cpsie i" : : : "memory");

  \brief   Disable IRQ Interrupts
  \details Disables IRQ interrupts by setting the I-bit in the CPSR.
           Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE void __disable_irq(void)
  __ASM volatile ("cpsid i" : : : "memory");

this is what my VSCode found if I looked up the definition (F12: go to definition)
I'm using the CMSIS library for FFT so that is included from there

from imxrt.h
#define __disable_irq() __asm__ volatile("CPSID i":::"memory");
#define __enable_irq()  __asm__ volatile("CPSIE i":::"memory");
a side question
in arm_dcache* functions we find
	asm volatile("": : :"memory");
if I take disable_irq() we have
#define __disable_irq() __asm__ volatile("CPSID i":::"memory");
how should we read this?
IOW, could we use
__asm__ volatile("dsb":::"memory");
or is the order: first "": : :"memory" and then "dsb" , of importance?
I was asking about memory prefetches.
There are hint instructions that tell the CPU that an access to a specific memory location is likely in the near future.
PLD for Data, PLI for instructions. The CPU then can instruct the memory interface to do steps that lead to a faster access.
For the cache, it could be a prefetch?

As I learned now, only the instruction cache does automatic prefetch. Is that correct?
SO, i could imagine a speedup for data, for example before loops (i.e. like a memcpy, fast caluclation that read an array etc)
I have no idea how much impact they have, and that's why I ask.
Are they useful? If I look at the audio library, it would be full of use cases.

a side question
in arm_dcache* functions we find
    asm volatile("": : :"memory");
if I take disable_irq() we have
#define __disable_irq() __asm__ volatile("CPSID i":::"memory");
how should we read this?
IOW, could we use
__asm__ volatile("dsb":::"memory");
or is the order: first "": : :"memory" and then "dsb" , of importance?

:::memory is a hint for the compiler. It tells him to do all load/store instructions before the barrierer, If I'm right.
For the interrupts I can only imagine a few corner cases where this makes sense: When data need to be written _before_ an interrupts occurs. If you write to the vector table, for example.
Are there more cases?
ARM shows an example:
extern int data1;
extern int data2;
volatile int *interrupt = (volatile int *)0x8000;
volatile int *uart = (volatile int *)0x9000;
void get(void)
    __pld(data1, data2);
    while (!*interrupt);
    *uart = data1;        // trigger uart as soon as interrupt occurs
    *(uart+1) = data2;
Note, it uses the ARM compiler. The syntax is a little different. You can substitute the __pld intrinsic by 2x __builtin_prefetch
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