Need good part for WPA access + BLE5


Well-known member
I'm presently using Teensy+NRF24L01. I need to add network access, so I need to change parts. I've ordered some ESP8266 units, but these are a bit old. I know there are ESP32 parts, but those are full MCUs and add too much power consumption when I've already got a Teensy on board.

I'm looking for suggestions for a more modern 'radio only' unit with good library support and user base. I saw a part for an nRF52 part, but it looked difficult to use and didn't have much of a use base. Any suggestions?
Not sure how the age of the ESP8266 is an issue for you, but they are quite simple to use and cheap and plentiful. They don't have BLE5, though.

Both the ESP32 and ESP8266 can be put into low power mode, though that may not be low enough for your application. I'd suggest you double-check and see if the ESP32 can fit your needs...