Teensy 3.2 + SparkFun TeeensyView

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I am working on a MIDI controller project using a Teensy 3.2. I will be using A0-A9 for potentiometers and pins 0-9 for some leds and buttons. Now I am thinking about adding a SparkFun TeeensyView. It looks like the TeensyView uses a number of pins that I will be using for the pots, buttons, and leds. Seems like a safe assumption that I would not be able share pins. I'm thinking that using a multiplexer might be a workaround. Am I heading in the right direction here, or are there some other options?
The Teensyview has solder jumpers so that you can change some pin assignments. You can eliminate the reset function which is on pin 15 (A1) by changing the solder jumper to pin #2. You can modify the D/C function on pin 5 by changing the solder jumper to pin 21 (A7). You can map the CS function from pin 10 to pin 20 (A6).

I would suggest not using pins 18 and 19, as these are the default I2C pins. If you have the I2C pins free, you can add I2C extenders to give you more digital input/output pins and also with a different extender more analog input pins.

Thanks, Michael. Based on your reply, it sounds like I can still get 10 analog inputs and 10 digital in/outs, but will have to work around the display. Seems like including a multiplexer into this will be a good choice. SparkFun is out of the TeensyView, so I'm going to continue my project without the display, but will revisit it later. Thanks again for the response.
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