Shipping a single pre-programmed Teensy to US

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New member

New here but long term Teensy hobbyist. I have been through the FAQ's.

Question: I would like to send in the mail from the UK a single Teensy 3.5 programmed with some code I have written to a private individual in the US for their own use in a single device they have built, again for their own use and not for sale. I cannot just send the code as he can fabricate things very well and do basic soldering, but he is not a microcontroller hobbyist.

Is this a problem?
For example do I need to fill in an FCC import declaration 740 form?

If so, I notice in Section 7 there is this option "Three or fewer radio receivers, computers, or other unintentional radiators as defined in Part 15 of the FCC Rules, are being imported for an individual’s personal use and are not intended for sale".

Would this Section 7 tick box cover it do you think?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.
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