The 2 Teensy 3.2 ADC's connect to which pins?

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Well-known member
Hi all,

the Teensy 3.2 has 2 ADC's which connect to different pins. I want to set up some analog pins with a different resolution than the rest but to do that i need to know which pins relate to which ADC. I can't find anything that gives me that information so i am wondering if anyone knows which pins relate to which ADC on the Teensy 3.2 board. I don't actually have a Teensy 3.2 here right now to test it out myself otherwise i'm sure i could figure it out with trial and error.

Thanks in advance for your help.


So the microcontroller on that one can by the looks of it be configured such that most or any of the analog pins connect to whichever ADC you would like. Well over my head to manually set the internal registers to do so however.


Much of the basis of the two ADCs also appears to be so that both can be read at the same instant as a differential pair. This is hinted at in the documentation for the ADC library's "checkDifferentialPins" and "startDifferentialFast" functions.

I don't have a teensy with me, but I think I found the key you need. This property allows you to check which ADC a given pin is connected to *at the moment* which may change if you tell it to:

This is coming from the Documentation for the ADC library.

Thanks PP. I understand now.

Probably beyond me at the moment to try changing those internal registers but at least i can check which pin is set to which ADC for the moment.


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