Teensy 4.0 and Keystudio W5500 ethernet shield not Pinging issue

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New member
Has anyone else connected the Teensy 4.0 with a W5500 ethernet shield and got it to work? ( I am new to Teensy 4)

This is the way I hooked it up but does not ping. I set this up the same way with a Teensy 3.2 and works great.

Teensy 4.0 ------ Ethernet Shield
------------ -----------------
10 CS ------ 10 Digital Pin
11 MOSI ------ 4 MOSI ICSP Pins
12 MISO ------ 1 MISO ICSP Pins
13 SCK ------ 3 SCK ICSP Pins
Vin 5v ------ 5v
gnd ------ gnd
3.3V ------ 3.3V

Libraries used in Arduino Sketch
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <EthernetUdp.h>

Am i missing something? Any help is greatly appreciated. :)
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