Problem with inserting a character into a string array. STUMPED!

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Well-known member
This one has me stumped.

Here is the code:
#include "Arduino.h"

#define CNT_PARITIONS 24

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find a device and return the logical drive index number for that device and
// the path spec with volume label stripped off of the path spec.
// param in:  full path.
// param out: device index number. Path name stripped of volume label.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int getLogicalDeviceNumber(const char **path) {
  const char *tempPath;
  char tempChar, ldNumber[256];
  const char *strPtr;
  char pathChar;
  int i = 0, volume = -1;
  uint8_t cntDigits = 0;
  tempPath = *path;
  if (!tempPath) return volume;	// Invalid path name?
  // Check if using logical device number ("0:" etc...).
  // Look for a colon in the path spec. Terminate on end of string
  // or if colon found.
  do {
    tempChar = ldNumber[cntDigits];
    cntDigits++; // Inc digit count for atoi().
  } while ((uint8_t)tempChar != '\0' && tempChar != ':');
  if (tempChar == ':') {	// Is this a volume number?
    cntDigits--;		// Backup to ':' position.
[COLOR="#00FF00"]  ldNumber[cntDigits] = '/';  // Change ':' to '/'.[/COLOR]
    i = atoi(ldNumber); // numeric value of number string.
    if (i < CNT_PARITIONS) {	// Don't overrun array.
      volume = i;		// Drive number
[COLOR="#FF0000"]//  ldNumber[cntDigits] = '/';  // Change ':' to '/'.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#FF0000"]//  delay(1);[/COLOR]
    *path = ldNumber+cntDigits;	// Snip off the drive number.
    return volume;
  // Look for logical device name (/volume name/).
	if (*tempPath == '/') { // Look for first '/'
		do {
			strPtr = drvIdx[i].name;	// Volume label.
			tempPath = *path;			// Path to search.
			// Compare the volume label with path name.
			do {
				// Get a character to compare (with inc).
				pathChar = *strPtr++; tempChar = *(++tempPath);
				if (ifLower(pathChar)) pathChar -= 0x20; // Make upper case.
				if (ifLower(tempChar)) tempChar -= 0x20; // Ditto.
			} while (pathChar && (char)pathChar == tempChar);
		  // Repeat for each label until there is a pattern match.
		} while ((pathChar || (tempChar != '/')) && ++i <= CNT_PARITIONS);
		// If a volume label is found, get the drive number and strip label from path.
		if (i <= CNT_PARITIONS) {
			volume = i;		// Volume number.
			*path = tempPath; // Strip off the logical drive name (leave last '/').
			return volume;
	if(*tempPath == '/')
		return volume;	// Return error (-1). 
	return currDrv;
  return volume;

// Change '32GSDFAT32' to a volume name of your drives.
//const char *device = "/TEENSY8GSD/test1.txt";
const char *device = "16:test1.txt";

void setup()
  // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
   while (!Serial);
  int ldn = getLogicalDeviceNumber(&device);
  Serial.printf("ldn = %d, device = %s\n",ldn, device);

void loop() {

The ouput from the above code is:
ldn = 16, device = [COLOR="#00FF00"]/[/COLOR]test1.txt
This is good.

Now if I comment out the green line and un-comment the the first red line I get This:
ldn = 16, device = [COLOR="#FF0000"]:[/COLOR]test1.txt
This is wrong.

If I un-comment the second red line that is the delay I get this:
ldn = 16, device = [COLOR="#00FF00"]/[/COLOR]test1.txt
This is also correct but why would I need the delay:confused:

I have been hammering on this for almost a whole day. Any ideas what I am missing?
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You are returning a pointer to a local array from inside the function via the path pointer. This is undefined, the storage for
ldNumber is reclaimed when getLogicalDeviceNumber returns.

I think the strange change in behaviour you are seeing is because the compiler is optimizing your code under
assumptions that are not true - you broke the rules, the compiler is allowed to do anything.
The delay() call is splitting the basic-block structure in the code that compilers typically use in their analysis,
which is why the behaviour can be suddenly different.

You'll likely get different behaviour if you change compiler optimization levels, but your code is
broken till you fix the dangling pointer issue.
Thanks for the response. I knew it was my lack of programming know how. And thanks for the link:)

@MarkT - Here are my changes to the sketch that works:
#include "Arduino.h"

#define CNT_PARITIONS 24
#define ifLower(c)		((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z')

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find a device and return the logical drive index number for that device and
// the path spec with volume label stripped off of the path spec.
// param in:  full path.
// param out: device index number. Path name stripped of volume label.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int getLogicalDeviceNumber(char *path) {
	char *tempPath;
	char tempChar, ldNumber[256];
	const char *strPtr;
	char pathChar;
	int i = 0, volume = -1;
	uint8_t cntDigits = 0;
	tempPath = path;
	if (!tempPath) return volume;	// Invalid path name?
	// Check if using logical device number ("0:" etc...).
	// Look for a colon in the path spec. Terminate on end of string
	// or if colon found.
	do {
		tempChar = ldNumber[cntDigits];
		cntDigits++; // Inc digit count for atoi().
	} while ((uint8_t)tempChar != '\0' && tempChar != ':');
	if (tempChar == ':') {	// Is this a volume number?
		cntDigits--;		// Backup to ':' position.
		i = atoi(ldNumber); // numeric value of number string.
		if (i < CNT_PARITIONS) {	// Don't overrun array.
			volume = i;		// Drive number
			ldNumber[cntDigits] = '/';  // Change ':' to '/'.
			sprintf(path, "%s", ldNumber+cntDigits);	// Snip off the drive number.
		return volume;
    // Look for logical device name (/volume name/).
	if (*tempPath == '/') { // Look for first '/'
		do {
			strPtr = drvIdx[i].name;	// Volume label.
			tempPath = path;			// Path to search.
			// Compare the volume label with path name.
			do {
				// Get a character to compare (with inc).
				pathChar = *strPtr++; tempChar = *(++tempPath);
				if (ifLower(pathChar)) pathChar -= 0x20; // Make upper case.
				if (ifLower(tempChar)) tempChar -= 0x20; // Ditto.
			} while (pathChar && (char)pathChar == tempChar);
		  // Repeat for each label until there is a pattern match.
		} while ((pathChar || (tempChar != '/')) && ++i <= CNT_PARITIONS);
		// If a volume label is found, get the drive number and strip label from path.
		if (i <= CNT_PARITIONS) {
			volume = i;		// Volume number.
			path = tempPath; // Strip off the logical drive name (leave last '/').
			return volume;
	if(*tempPath == '/')
		return volume;	// Return error (-1). 
	return currDrv;
return volume;

// Change '32GSDFAT32' to a volume name of your drives.
//char device[256] = {"/TEENSY8GSD/test1.txt"};
char device[256] = {"16:test1.txt"};

void setup()
  // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
   while (!Serial);
  int ldn = getLogicalDeviceNumber(device);
  Serial.printf("ldn = %d, device = %s\n",ldn, device);

void loop() {

ldn = 16, device = /test1.txt

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