Are there plans to update TeensyTransfer for the 4.0/4.1 models?

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Been using the TeensyTransfer software with the Teensy 3.2 and prop shield, but needed to upgrade to the Teensy 4.0. Turns out that it isn't supported for the 4+, since it makes use of old libraries from the old processor(?) and old cores. Does Frank or someone else have another way of adding files to the teensy prop shield/eeprom, or are there plans to update the library anytime soon?

I put a fixed version on my web site in April 2020:

I keep hoping that one of the Teensy 1.54 betas will combine all of the pieces to allow using the Teensy as a USB removable disk to update serial flash on the prop/audio shields, Teensy 4.1 QSPI flash memory, and the SD card. I suspect many of the pieces are there, but I've missed a clear example of how to do it.

It would also be nice if the Audio library was extended so we can do AudioPlaySerialflashWav in addition to AudioPlaySerialflashRaw.

However, I've been side lined with surgery and other health issues, so I haven't had much time to hack.
I put a fixed version on my web site in April 2020:
However, I've been side lined with surgery and other health issues, so I haven't had much time to hack.

I missed that - good work @MichaelMeissner and all the best for getting off the sidelines.

As far as USB connectivity - see the "Many-TLAs" thread linked in p#2.

It allows a Teensy to show one or MANY mounted SD cards, or LittleFS drives, AND IIRC even Teensy mounted USB_Host drives (Including multipartion devices), to HOST OS for file read/write from the OS to the Teensy Device! That is pending final touch up and direction for possible inclusion in TD ?##?
I hope you are feeling better, Michael.
I can empathize with you a bit, a few months ago I was in the hospital for a short visit, in the stroke unit. Not nice.
It makes you rethink your priorities.

Thanks for your TeensyTransfer version.
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