raw packets library

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Is it possible to use the Teensy 4.1 with integrated network card to send and receive raw packets in promiscuous mode?
I have found some testing code from Paul but is kind of hard to use for me, so i was wondering if there is a handy library for this by now so I can use functions like sendFrame and readFrame with a custom ethertype.

(On my arduino with w5100 i was able to use promiscuous mode, and with a nice library (W5100MacRaw) able to send and receive raw packets).

Well, many thanx,
It is possible to use promiscuous mode, though unless you really have to emulate multiple MAC addresses with one device then I wouldn't really recommend it. That being said, there is a config in FNET to enable promiscuous mode, but outside of that I'm not sure how FNET will fair when receiving everything.

As for a custom ethertype, you can add your own to FNET and I have already done it so I can confirm it does work. Though you will have to modify FNET to make use of it it's not too too hard to do so once you get past the requisite learning curve and lack of proper documentation.

If you are trying to do what we last talked about with DigiNet, then I already have the hard part implemented in FNET and I've observed a very stable connection to Pro Tools the last time I worked on it.
Hi, thanx for th reply!
I'm all in on Nocue now, works like a charm. You can request a 6S sim license at Diva.

I had one at one point, when I didn’t have the time to work on it, pretty sure they blocked the newest version on my account.
I prefer the latter now because it's compatible and very extensive.
The sim works for one year. It was just enough to find the time to work on it (just as busy as you :) and the loophole.
I would much prefer the latter as well, but if I don’t have access then I don’t have access, not much I can do.
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