FFT draw in display


Well-known member
I have code for FFT and I want to draw frequency range 500-10000Hz on display 800px.
I apply FFT on 16384 samples.
In my FFT are many peaks in all spectrum and I want to see them all on display.

My code:

fft_config_t *real_fft_plan = fft_init(16384, FFT_REAL, FFT_FORWARD, fft_input, fft_output);
for (int k = 0 ; k < 16384 ; k++)
  real_fft_plan->input[k] = (float) vReal[k];

Then I make some calculations for values and save to array vReal.
Now I need to draw it on display:

for(int i= 10;i < 795; i++) // draw from 10 to 795 px - but I have 8192 (nFFT/2) values
    tft.drawLine(i,25, i, 155,RA8875_BLACK);  
    tft.drawLine(i,155, i, 155 - vReal_G[i],RA8875_YELLOW); 

In this case I can see on display just frequency from 10 to approx 800Hz.
I need somehow average it or zoom it to see 500-10000 Hz with main peaks.
Any idea how to do it?

This would be a quick and dirty start which will average every 8 samples up to sample 6360:
for(int i = 10; i < 795*8; i += 8) // draw from 10 to 795 px - but I have 8192 (nFFT/2) values
    int sum = 0;
    for(int j = 0;j < 8;j++) {
      sum += vReal_G[i+j];
    sum /= 8;
    tft.drawLine(i,25, i, 155,RA8875_BLACK);
    tft.drawLine(i,155, i, 155 - sum,RA8875_YELLOW);
Another way to tackle it would be to just reduce the size of the FFT - unless you need the 8192 samples for something else.

Either way, one thing you can do to speed up the display is remember the previously displayed value and only draw a line if the value changes.
