teeny++2 no upload

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I am using teensy++2-bord on several macbooks pro (now with big sur)for a long time. Actually with a project using teensyduino RawHID that worked without problems for weeks.
But suddenly I am unable to upload the code.
I get the error
Sketch uses 8316 bytes (6%) of program storage space. Maximum is 130048 bytes.
Global variables use 827 bytes (10%) of dynamic memory, leaving 7365 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 8192 bytes.
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode.
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.
An error occurred while uploading the sketch
I had to force the loader to accept the board with pressing the upload button while plugging in. Pressing the button as mentioned activated the loader, but it showed "Erasing EEPROM" and did not upload the code.

I tried to upload the code on the command line with
username@macbookpro Charger21_2 % teensy_loader_cli --mcu=at90usb1286 -w Charger21_2.hex
giving the error
MCU type must be specified

Usage: teensy_loader_cli -mmcu=<MCU> [-w] [-h] [-n] [-v] <file.hex>
	-w : Wait for device to appear
	-r : Use hard reboot if device not online
	-n : No reboot after programming
	-v : Verbose output

<MCU> = atmega32u4 | at90usb162 | at90usb646 | at90usb1286

Uploading another old project outside teensyduino with choosing the hex file in teensyloader and pressing the upload button works without problems.

I thought that my experiment with a esp8266-board in an arduino sketch with installing drivers might have corrupted teensyduino. So I removed everything and reinstalled teensyduino with no success.
Any ideas what is going wrong?
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