Headless FW builds (build only, no flashing)

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Hi, I'm getting a build server set up to produce teensy firmware builds (not flash them, just compile).

For some reason this doesn't seem like a particularly supported use case for either vanilla Arduino or Teensy itself, but I think I'm quite close to having everything working correctly.

The incantation I'm using to produce builds is:
arduino --verbose --board teensy:avr:teensy40 --pref 'build.flags.cpp=-std=gnu++14 -fno-exceptions -fpermissive -fno-rtti -fno-threadsafe-statics -felide-constructors -Wno-error=narrowing' --pref build.path="build" --verify my-project.ino

This appears to successfully produce the build/my-project.ino.hex artifact, but the build process itself fails with exit code 1, producing the output:
Opening Teensy Loader...
Unable find Teensy Loader.  (p)  Is the Teensy Loader application running?

Is there a way to just compile without using the teensy loader? This is a cloud-based build server without X, so running the GUI-based teensy loader fails (and it'll never have a board plugged into it anyway).

P.S. I'm finagling arduino to run builds in the command-line because teensy support for arduino-cli seems like it's still a work in progress, but I'm happy to jump over if that's not the case (I tried briefly, got kernel panics, and didn't investigate further :))

If you search, I'm sure that you'll find more examples on GitHub as well. I went the CMake route and enjoy that - lot's of different ways to build code.
So, quick update - this looks like much more of a pain than I expected since I'm using some existing Teensy libraries which the example makefile doesn't support (and I'm not as familiar with make/toolchain setup as I'd like to be).

If anyone has ideas on how to convince arduino not to launch the teensy loader that'd be much appreciated as it'd probably save me a day or two of makefile wrangling :eek:
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