Adding custom blocks to the audio library

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Well-known member
I am reposting this from another subgroup. This is probably against the rules, however, a lot in my project depends on this. Sorry.

I would like to add some custom "blocks" to the audio library. In my case a envelope follower block. Which can be made very, very efficient if written on it's own, avoiding the rectify -> biquad filter method that a lot of vocoder projects here rely on. I assume adding a ".h" file with the code inside is the easy part. Adding that block into existing designs as made by the audio design tool... not so much.

If that is even possible or anybody knows how I can both code my custom blocks and add them to my audio designs. Please let me know.
Thank You.
You should look at the code for some simple audio classes to see how they are programmed, for instance the mixer class.

In the audio library a block is a datastructure holding 128 audio samples, so your custom "blocks" are best called classes I think.

The documentation goes into gui/index.html, following the conventions there. If you checkout a copy of the Audio lib repo you
can play with your own local copy of gui/index.html in a browser.

Start by taking a clone of the library and adding it to your libraries directory so you can play with it.

It helps to have a GitHub account.
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