Is there plans for a Teensy 5.0?

My original question was on 11-01-2020. has there been any update on this?

Paul has said there will be a Teensy with NXP's 1170 chip. The pandemic has disrupted not only PJRC, but also NXP and every other vendor, so I don't think anyone can give you a timeline.
No new hardware will launch while the chip shortages are so bad.

And as I've said on other threads, 1170 would be considered a 4.x product, not version 5.

So to answer your original question, definitely no. We can't even make the next version 4 product, and no new microcontrollers exist with anything like Cortex-M55 yet, so version 5 is absolutely not on the horizon at this time!
Will there be any plans to introduce a low power Teensy, now that Teensy LC and Teensy 3.x are virtually dead and Teensy 4.x does not fit into that category?
If there is will it be supported by the Snooze library (or another similar library)?