Keep use of Pin 4 VS WIZ820io & Micro SD Card Adaptor


New member
Using the WIZ820io & Micro SD Card Adaptor, I saw that the pin 4 from the Teensy 3.2 is used for the CS of the SD card.
I don't want to use the adaptor for the SD Card but only for its WIZ820io adapter specifications.
Is there any way to free the pin 4 so I can use it as a normal PWM ?

Best regards
Sure. Just don't put a SD card into the socket. Then it's only a 10K pullup resistor connected to pin 4. If you wanted to use pin 4 as an input for a really weak signal, then maybe having that 10K resistor connected to pin 4 could be a concern.

Should work fine for PWM output. When configured as an output, the 10K resistor will have no significant effect.