Audio Adaptor Rev D. and SD CARD pin.


Well-known member
Hi, I am confused about which pins to use for the SD CARD adapter on the Audio Adaptor Rev. D

On the PJRC site the pins indicated are:

10,11,12,13 Rev. D
7,10,12,14 Rec. C

But I can test my SD CARD on the T4 + Audio Board Rev. D using Rev. C pins (only using Rev. C pins) and it's not available using Rev. D pins.

I'm working on a new project and I need to know what's the pins I can use for other features.

I have the same situation with all the sketch (like Audio Recorder example or SD Card Info)

This code works fine:

const int chipSelect = 10;

But the link should be:

const int chipSelect = 11;


Thank u

On Teensy 4, SPI.setMOSI(7) and SPI.setSCK(14) have no effect, because those pins can't work. Pins 11 and 13 are still used.

So the Rev D audio shield SD card still works on Teensy 4 even with those lines in the code, because it's ignoring them and actually using pins 11-13 for SPI.
So I must use the code of Rev C but I have the pin14 free for another use? right?

const int chipSelect = 10;

but I can add an analog read on the PIN 14 for a potentiometer for example?
I can confirm the rev D audio adapter only uses pins 6,7,8,10,11,12,13,15,18,19,20,21,23, GND and 3V3 as per the
pinout table and schematic given in the docs:

(I've got an unpopulated one and a hand lens to double check!)
If there's no memory chip mounted or µSDcard plugged in the SPI pins are unused too, other than 10k pullups on 6 and 10.
So I must use the code of Rev C but I have the pin14 free for another use? right?

Yes, pin 14 isn't used on T4, even if your code has SPI.setSCK(14). You could connect an analog voltage from a pot to pin 14. SCK won't interfere. And if you have the Rev D audio shield, pin 14 isn't connected.

If you have the Rev C audio shield (exactly what code and hardware you have isn't clear, at least to me) then nothing on the audio shield works with T4 unless you use wires to route the signals to the correct locations. Rev C is designed to connect all the signals to the places used on T3.

I hope you can understand how asking these narrowly focused questions without giving a clear picture of what you are really using or what you're trying to accomplish makes answering very difficult. Hopefully this message helps, but because I don't even know which hardware you really have or what you need to do, the very best answer would be the check the pinout and schematic info on the audio shield page.