Teensy Wifi?

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jim lee

Well-known member
I use a lot of teensy 3.2s for things like hand held devices and bits of equipment. I'm kind of tired of having to hook them up to serial to communicate. So, maybe wifi would be a better approach? What is everyone's favorite hardware for adding Wifi to their teensy?


-jim lee
I have used ESP-8266, ESP-32's but I usually use 3dr Radios or lately xbees. Guess its a matter of preference and what you want to do.
That's it? ESP-32? Has the field really narrowed down to one choice? Or do xbees get me on the wifi as well? I wasn't aware that they could..

-jim lee
I use EByte E32, E220 and E22 Lora modules.
Quite easy to use and very long range.
Communicates with Teensy via Uart.
What I'm looking for is

A) Just something to listen to a port number and allow a socket to attach when one shows up.
B) Something I can use to connect to said listening socket.
C) Then I can pass data back and forth.

Both ends currently run Teensy 3.2s

-jim lee
Wow wow wow! That's a lot of typing that boy's done! It is what I said I wanted though. Sockets on a teensy. So thank you VERY much for that! I'm having all sorts of fun going through it.

-jim lee
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