date from NTP website which provides seconds from UTC (Jan 1, 1900)


Well-known member
Anyone have an algorithm to calculate the current month-day-year based on the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 as provided by NTP server.

I can correctly calculate the local time (hour-min-second)
secsSince1970 = secsSince1900 - 2208988800; // subtract seconds in seventy years:
hour = (secsSince1970 % SECONDS_IN_DAY) / SECONDS_IN_HOUR); // hour (86400 equals secs per day)
min = (secsSince1970 % SECONDS_IN_DAY) / SECONDS_IN_HOUR;
seconds = (secsSince1970 % SECONDS_IN_HOUR) / SECONDS_IN_MINUTE);

e.g. results,

Seconds since Jan 1 1900 = 3856635732
The UTC time is 23:42:12
The California time is 16:42:16

I can't figure out how to get the date. I have tried two algorithms I found on-line and neither is even close.



Does anyone really know what time it is? (music by Chicago)
the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 as provided by NTP server.
That is the basis of Teensy time t, so all the TimeLib routines will work just fine.