Error when including CapSense and ili9341 libraries in same sketch with t4.1

Hello, I think I’ve found a weird bug: if you include both capacitiveSensor.h and ILI9341_t3.h libraries to a code fora teensy 4.1 it won’t compile. It seems that both libraries use the same variables or so. To get the error message just include both libraries to a blank sketch. Problem is, that I want to use a cap sense and a ili9341 display. Any other capacitive sensing solutions? I’ve downloaded FastTouch.h but can’t find any instructions on how to wire things up with this librarie...

Greetings from Germany!

@Phil Sznyck

Gave it a try. I get the errors if I include CapcitiveSensor.h before ILI9341_t3.h. However, if I reverse it to:
#include <ILI9341_t3.h>
#include <CapacitiveSensor.h>
sketch will compile without errors. Might give that a try before getting more complicated solution.