Review MicroMod Design

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Well-known member
Hi all,

Wondering if I can get a review of a (hopefully) simple design, attached below? Teensy 4 MicroMod with a micro USB and push button for programming and a SD card for logging data. VDD is assumed to be 5V and there is also an external 3.3V regulator. Mostly trying to understand whether USB_VIN is needed for programming (I think it is) and whether I've missed any inputs for this minimal design.

View attachment temp.pdf

Sorry I am no expert... My play designs are on the opposite end... i.e. don't want to leave any square inch untouched :D

My guess is that you probably need to connect USB_VIN, could be wrong, as not sure what happens if for example you cut the trace on MEASURE... it breaks the connection between VUSB and VIN, but the only thing I see is the two connections to usb vbus on the teensy chip... And if connected to the two capacitors for VIN... And the only thing I see VIN connected to was a test point... I might have missed something.
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