Teensy 4.1: Suddenly, 3V Pin only getting .17 V when connected to USB


Well-known member
I have a Teensy 4.1 that has been working fine for a while. It stopped working all of a sudden without any changes to it.

I connected that Teensy to USB and nothing was detected. While connected to USB, I could measure about 5V on Vin. However, both 3V pins are only showing .17V.

Is the board damaged? What could case that?

Thanks in advance for the community's input.
I took the Teensy out of its socket. Still nothing ....

There is a "very remote" chance that pin 32 received 12V. If this happened, does this only damage that pin or the entire board?

12V will obliterate most semiconductors on the board in a few microseconds I suspect. Overvoltage damage is usually
fast and devastating to modern VLSI chips (gate oxide thicknesses measured in nanometres).
The gate-oxide electric fields involved are measured in MV/cm (megavolts per centimetre), once something goes,
it can cascade all through the chip as gate after gate fuses shorted.

In particular I wouldn't expect any 3.3V rated VLSI chip to survive about 4x its working voltage. 2x if you're lucky,
perhaps, not 4x.