T4.1 Audio: Modified VariablePlayback for SerialFlash - Memory Leak


Well-known member
Hi there,

after getting no usable multi-channel audio with LittleFS from soldered on FlashChip or from SD Card i changed to the older SerialFlash.h and put the optional memory chip from the teensy-on-board to the audio board. This does now work for around 50 -60 seconds but then crashes because of a memory leak.

I am using a modified VariablePlayback Library "https://github.com/newdigate/teensy-variable-playback" to play Samples at different pitches. I modified it so that all calls to the SD Card go to their counterparts of the SerialFlashLibrary. It does works, but as said, only for a short time.

Most probably i created this memory leak myself because i am not an very advanced developer - but i am not sure about if the problem is me, the variableplayback or the serialflash library or a combination.

Playing the samples from PROGMEM works perfectly and does not create a memory leak. But since i can not change the sample content without flashing the program, i would like to play the samples from the SerialFlash Chip on the Audio Board.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SerialFlash.h>
#include <vector>

namespace newdigate {

struct indexedbuffer {
    uint32_t index;
    int16_t buffer_size;
    int16_t *buffer;

constexpr bool isPowerOf2(size_t value){
    return !(value == 0) && !(value & (value - 1));

template<size_t BUFFER_SIZE, size_t MAX_NUM_BUFFERS> // BUFFER_SIZE needs to be a power of two
class IndexableFile {
    static_assert(isPowerOf2(BUFFER_SIZE), "BUFFER_SIZE must be a power of 2");

    static constexpr size_t element_size = sizeof(int16_t);
    size_t buffer_to_index_shift;
    IndexableFile(const char *filename) : 
        buffer_to_index_shift(log2(BUFFER_SIZE)) {
            _filename = new char[strlen(filename)+1] {0};
            memcpy(_filename, filename, strlen(filename));
            _file = SerialFlash.open(_filename);

    int16_t &operator[](int i) {
        int32_t indexFor_i = i >> buffer_to_index_shift;
        indexedbuffer *match = find_with_index(indexFor_i);
        if (match == nullptr) {
            if (_buffers.size() > MAX_NUM_BUFFERS - 1) {
                indexedbuffer *first = _buffers[0];
                delete [] first->buffer;
                delete first;
            indexedbuffer *next = new indexedbuffer();
            next->index = indexFor_i;
            next->buffer = new int16_t[BUFFER_SIZE];
            size_t basePos = indexFor_i << buffer_to_index_shift;
            size_t seekPos = basePos * element_size;
            int16_t bytesRead = _file.read(next->buffer, BUFFER_SIZE * element_size);
            #ifndef TEENSYDUINO
            if (!_file.available()){  
                _file = SerialFlash.open(_filename);
            next->buffer_size = bytesRead;
            match = next;
        return match->buffer[i % BUFFER_SIZE];

    void close() {
        if (_file)

        if (_filename)
            delete [] _filename;
        _filename = nullptr;
    SerialFlashFile _file;
    char *_filename;
    std::vector<indexedbuffer*> _buffers;

    indexedbuffer* find_with_index(uint32_t i) {
        for (auto && x : _buffers){
            if (x->index == i) {
                return x;
        return nullptr;


I suspect my problem is somewhere in this file where i replaced the "File _file" commands from the SD Library with "SerialFlashFile _file" with the commands of the serialflash Library.
As said, it does work for around a minute but then crashes because of no more free RAM - it is consuming more RAM with every sample it is playing.

This problem haunts me for half of an year now and i tried everything i can think of - but so far no progress.

I would be very glad if someone more experienced would have a look what is going wrong.

My complete code is on
which is a continuation (or hopefully in the future could be the base for a next generation) of

On that version, in the past, we made everything sample related in PROGMEM only, so this particular problem does not exist there.

Many thanks in advance.
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