How to send from esp32 to teensy


Active member
How can I send 1D array from esp32 to teensy4.0 ?
I have array in sketch of esp32 and I need to sent it to the teensy by Wi-Fi or BLE.
Is there a possibility of such a thing and how is it done?
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Sorry, I am not sure how much help I would be here... Note: I have also recently received PM from another user who I do not believe has posted on the forum, about transferring data between ESP32 and Teensy....

As mentioned one way to do this is by using EasyTransfer.
There is information up on Bill Porter's page

The Teensyduino releases contain this library as well as the I2C version.

The idea for this is you would hook up the two boards to each other (EasyTransfer) using a UART on both boards.
Where the RX of one goes to the TX of the other and likewise TX to RX, plus you need a GND wire between the two boards.

Then you define a data structure that defines your data, which needs to be the same on both boards. You then start up the code on both boards
and when you have new data to send, you fill in your structure and call of to sendData and on the other side you can call receiveData to get it...
There are examples that you can load as part of this library.

As mentioned there is an I2C version as well, where you would need to hook up the I2C pins between each board...

But this does not handle doing it over wifi or BT. Not sure how to easily do this, as the Teensy does not have either of these directly built in.
We have done some work on Bluetooth support with a dongle plugged into USBHost, but for example we probably don't have some of the pieces in
place to maybe support this. Alternatives would be to hook up something like another ESP32 or the like board to the Teensy, where the two
ESP's can talk to each other and then communicate with the Teensy over serial.

Example Adafruit sells AirLift – ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor Breakout Board which can connect
up to Teensy, in this case over SPI...

Good luck