Product Suggestions for LED strip install



I am looking for some product suggestions. I have a LED strip install in my entertainment room and am in the middle of an upgrade. Former install was LPD8806 with a Arduino Mega with an audio spectrum analyzer.

New Project:
I now have three and a half sk9822 60/m strips installed (so about 1000 LEDs). It seems like the Mega is not going to cut it, so it looks like it is time to upgrade that too. My goal is to use FastLED to drive all of the strips. Ideally I would drive them all from the one data/clock lines since it is already wired for that, but I could run another data/clock line if I need to.

Extra desires:
Audio extraction board to drive the LEDs with music/video games, preferably with a split of 7 or so frequency bands.
High FPS. Not crazy high but I want the strip to look good running animations, esp with the audio hooked up.

As I understand it, the sk9822 might be faster than 3-wire strips. I'm unsure if I would need parallel output or which boards would be best for parallel output to the sk9822 strips?

Would the following get me where I need to be?
Teensy 4.1
Audio Adapter Board
Prop Shield OR OctoWS2811 Adaptor ?
