Teensy 4.0: Rare hard faults with intervalTimer and circular buffers


New member
I am developing a logger application on T40 which is based on code found here. My code works OK, but occasionally (every ~5 hrs of logging @10kHz) I encounter a hard fault. Using crashReport I can see that the problem arises when writing into my circular buffer, while inside the IntervalTimer ISR. I am using the arduino/teensyduino interface to program this on a windows 11 machine.
My application works as follows. Inside anintervalTimer ISR, I sample from an external chip (Intan RHD2132) using SPI + 3ADC channels*+ a time stamp using micros() at a total of 150 bytes. My interval timer runs at 10kHz and I use a large buffer that seems to cope fine. Inside my main loop, I write the data to an SD card using the SDIO part of the wonderful SDFAT library.Below is a typical crashReport. Quite often I get a nan for temperature, but by reading the on chip temperature I know that it's operating at 55 or so max.

* A problem occurred at (system time) 22:56:30
* Code was executing from address 0x46E
* CFSR: 82
(DACCVIOL) Data Access Violation
(MMARVALID) Accessed Address: 0xC552D73E
* Temperature inside the chip was nan °C
* Startup CPU clock speed is 528MHz
* Reboot was caused by auto reboot after fault or bad interrupt detected

Below is the main part of the code. Line in red is where the problem arises according to crashReport. Complete code can be found here

// preset the CPU speed
#if defined(__IMXRT1062__)
extern "C" uint32_t set_arm_clock(uint32_t frequency);

// ------------------------------------------
//  Import libraries and declare variables. Voltatile is needed for interrupts to do A/D conversion with convert() cmd
// -------------------------------------------
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <SPI.h>
//#include <SdFat.h>  //requires Bill Greiman's sdFat library (downloaded July 2018 from: https://github.com/greiman/SdFat)
#include "SdFat.h"
#include "IntanDefaultConfig.h"    // Define various 
#include "SPIconfig.h"             // Define SPI hardware pins on Teensy
#include "IntanCmd.h"              // Intan commands for read, write, calibrate, convert
#include "FilterSettingDefaults.h" // Define default Intan bandpass setting, as well as easy options
#include "setSamplingPeriod.h"     // Define sampling period for interval timer object (for Teensyduino interrupts)
#include "AccelerometerConfig.h"   // Define acceleromter pins and variables that store readings
#include "CircularBufferConfig.h"  // Define circular buffer. This is crucial element to control data flow
#include "SDwrite.h"               // setting up SD card for writing data
#include <TimeLib.h>               // for timestamping the log files
#include "arm_math.h"

IntervalTimer SamplingPeriodTimer;          // Create an IntervalTimer object

extern float tempmonGetTemp(void);

const int BAUD_RATE_USB =  115200;

const unsigned int SPI_PIPE_DELAY = 2; //Intan's results return 2 commands later in SPI command pipe.

int numAmpsVerified; // value returns for SPIgetAmplInfo.  Should be either 32 or 64 (or 0 if error)

int REDpin = 14; // external red LED used for status indicating (solid red: loging, flashing red: error encountered)

uint16_t throwAwayRead;  //place holders for 2 delay in SPI command: throw away data

int fs = 8000; // sampling rate (Hz)
const uint64_t log_file_size = 5000ULL*1024*1024; //file size (bytes)
const uint64_t log_file_size_adj = log_file_size - 1000; // save some bytes for writing clock time to the end of the file
uint32_t cnt = 0;
const size_t BUFSIZE = 454*454;//400*512;//65536; // 
static volatile uint16_t dataBuffer[BUFSIZE];// = {NULL}; //circular array buffer, store 16 bit ints since Intan returns 16 bit numbers, and so does accelerometer. Use volatile for shared variables
static volatile int head, tail;

static volatile uint16_t chunkA [37];
static volatile uint16_t chunkB [36];

volatile boolean  dataAcqComplete = false;        // boolean that indicates when we are finished filling up the adc buffer, will trigger SERIALNAME transmit

volatile unsigned long timestamp;                 // for timestamps (32 bits)

const int MIN_BUFFER_BYTES_TO_WRITE = 512;    // minimum number of bytes in buffer to operate on. 512 is a sensible choice b/c SD cards have 512 byte sectors 15 Dec 2018

void setup() {
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  // SETUP:  start serial port, initialize and verify SPI interface,
  // setup SD card and prepare a log file for write
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  // CPU speed adjustment - helps with temperature management https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/57196-T4-heatsink-recommended
  #if defined(__IMXRT1062__)
    set_arm_clock(528000000); // at <= 528MHz voltage on cpu drops to 2.15 from 2.25 thus reducing temperature 
    Serial.print("F_CPU_ACTUAL = ");
  // set the Time library to use Teensy 3.0's RTC to keep time
  pinMode(REDpin, OUTPUT);//status LED

  Serial.print(F("Requested file size is: "));Serial.print(log_file_size/(1024*1024));Serial.println(F(" MB"));  
  analogReadResolution(16); // Teensy4.0 has native 10 bit resolution, so we pad to 16 so as to have 2 full bytes

  Serial.println(F("VERSION: T40_64ch_v10"));

  if (timeStatus() != timeSet) {
    Serial.println(F("Unable to sync with the RTC"));

  // Set time callback Used by SDFat when generating new files
  SPI_init();// Is this reduntant?

  static uint16_t NbytesWrite;

  Serial.println(F("Initialising SPI port..."));
  SPI_init(); delay(100);// initialize 2x RHD2132, see SPIconfig.ino

  Serial.println(F("Veryfying SPI link with INTAN chips..."));
  SPI_verify(); delay(100);  // checks reg 40-44 for "INTAN" characters

  Serial.println(F("Configuring INTAN registers..."));
  numAmpsVerified = SPI_getAmplInfo();  delay(100);  // get more info about amplifiers: number, chip revision, etc. SPI pins defined in SPIconfig.h
  ConfigureRegisters_0_17(); delay(100);// see IntanDefaultConfig, configures both A and B amps

  Serial.println(F("Configuring INTAN filter settings..."));
  configFilterSettings(); delay(100);//see FilterSettingDefaults.h and .ino, configures both A and B amps

  Serial.println(F("Setting the sampling rate..."));
  SAMPLE_PERIOD_MICROS = computeSamplingPeriod(fs); //see setSamplingPeriod.h and .ino

  Serial.println(F("Calibrating the INTAN chip..."));
  calibrateADC(CSpinA);      // see IntanCmd.h and .ino
  calibrateADC(CSpinB);      // configure both A and B amps

  // Setup the SD card
  SDcardInitStatus = initSDcard(); delay(100);  // initialize SDfat volume
  crashDumpFile(); // check for the presence of a crash log, if one available write it to crashDump.txt
  SDcardFileOpenStatus = SDcardCreateLogFile();//create a data log file  

  Serial.println(F("Configure the SPI bus..."));
  // configure the SPI bus.  This uses faster clock speed 12 MHz for converting channels. JE 01 May 2017
  Serial.println(F("Starting data logging..."));
  digitalWriteFast(REDpin, HIGH);//redLED for now
  //start the interval timer, turns on interrupts for precisely timed sampling ADC
[COLOR=#0000ff]  SamplingPeriodTimer.begin(scanADC, SAMPLE_PERIOD_MICROS);
  //SamplingPeriodTimer.priority(10);            // 0 is max priority, so 10 grants relatively  high priorty for this ISR.  JE 27 apr 2017.[/COLOR]

}  //end setup()

void errBlink(int pin) {
  // ------------------------------------------------
  // errBlink() pulse a digital pin to indicate error
  // ------------------------------------------------
  while (1) {
    digitalWriteFast(pin, !digitalReadFast(pin));

void scanADC(void) {
  // ---------------------------------------------------
  // void scanADC() The interrupt service routine for
  // precisely timed data sampling from INTAN+AUX+ACCEL
  // ---------------------------------------------------
  //time stamp in microseconds at start of conversions
  timestamp = ARM_DWT_CYCCNT;//micros();//ARM_DWT_CYCCNT;

  // ====== First data chunk =======
  for (byte nA = 0; nA < NUM_AMPS_PER_CHIP; nA++) {
    chunkA[nA] = convertChannel(nA, CSpinA); //this reads auxiliary data from commands sent last sampling period
  // Now call 2 auxiliary commands, into which ADC(30) and ADC(31) results are returned
  chunkA[32] = readRegister(40, CSpinA); //Returns 'I' from INTAN, if data link properly established, 2 SPI commands later
  chunkA[33] = readRegister(41, CSpinA); //Returns 'N' from INTAN, if data link properly established
  // add the accelerometer reads
  chunkA[34] = analogRead(PIN_ACCEL_X);
  chunkA[35] = analogRead(PIN_ACCEL_Y);
  chunkA[36] = analogRead(PIN_ACCEL_Z);
  // pipe data over to the circular buffer
  for (unsigned int jj = 1; jj < sizeof(chunkA) / sizeof(uint16_t); jj++) {
    int next_head = (head + 1) % BUFSIZE;
    if (next_head != tail) { // buffer not full
      [COLOR=#ff0000]dataBuffer[head] = chunkA[jj];[/COLOR]
      head = next_head;
    } else {
      Serial.println(F("buffer is full"));
      digitalWriteFast(REDpin, LOW);
      Serial.print(F("tail:")); Serial.print(tail);
      Serial.print(F(", head:")); Serial.print(head);
      Serial.print(F(", next)head:")); Serial.print(next_head);
      Serial.print(F(" BUFSIZE:")); Serial.print(BUFSIZE); //      //noInterrupts();
      /* no room left in the buffer */
  // ====== Second data chunk =======

  for (byte nB = 0; nB < NUM_AMPS_PER_CHIP; nB++) {
    chunkB[nB] = convertChannel(nB, CSpinB); //this reads auxiliary data from commands sent last sampling period
  // Now call 2 auxiliary commands, into which ADC(30) and ADC(31) results are returned
  chunkB[32] = readRegister(40, CSpinB); //Returns 'I' from INTAN, if data link properly established, 2 SPI commands later
  chunkB[33] = readRegister(41, CSpinB); //Returns 'N' from INTAN, if data link properly established
  // add the timestamp bytes
  chunkB[34] = timestamp & 0xFFFF; //use 0xFFFF and shift 16 to convert to two ints
  chunkB[35] = (timestamp >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
  //chunkB[36] = 22379;//sync bits to check for checking fidelity of SD writes
  // pipe data over to the circular buffer
  for (unsigned int jj = 1; jj < sizeof(chunkB) / sizeof(uint16_t); jj++) {
    int next_head = (head + 1) % BUFSIZE;
    if (next_head != tail) { // buffer not full
      dataBuffer[head] = chunkB[jj];
      head = next_head;
    } else {
      Serial.println(F("buffer is full"));
      digitalWriteFast(REDpin, LOW);
      Serial.print(F("tail:")); Serial.print(tail);
      Serial.print(F(", head:")); Serial.print(head);
      Serial.print(F(", next)head:")); Serial.print(next_head);
      Serial.print(F(" BUFSIZE:")); Serial.print(BUFSIZE); //      //noInterrupts();
      /* no room left in the buffer */
  //dataAcqComplete = true;
   //__DSB(); //waits for interrupt flag to propagate before exiting ISR? https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/58050-Teensy-4-Interval-Timer
} //end of scanADC

void loop() {
  // ---------------------------------------------------
  // main loop()
  // Handles checking circular buffer and writing any
  // contents to SD and/or stream to serial
  // ---------------------------------------------------

  //Turn off interrupts so we can read head and tail current position and figure out if there is data in the circular buffer that can be written to sd card and/or serial
  int curr_head, curr_tail, NumElementsInBuffer;
  curr_head = head;
  curr_tail = tail;
  interrupts(); //re-enable interrupts

  unsigned long timestampCopy;
  //static uint64_t TotalNumBytesWrittenToSD = 0; //keep track of how many bytes written to SD card
  static uint16_t NbytesWrite;

  // compute how many elements currently in data buffer
  if (curr_head == curr_tail) {
    NumElementsInBuffer = 0;
  else if (curr_head > curr_tail) {
    NumElementsInBuffer =  curr_head - curr_tail;
  else {
    NumElementsInBuffer =  BUFSIZE - abs(curr_tail - curr_head);

  // if buffer contains sufficient number of elements, Copy Nelements into an array and write it to SD and/or Serial
  if (NumElementsInBuffer > MIN_BUFFER_BYTES_TO_WRITE) { // JE 06 Dec 2018, set to 512 to force larger block to be written to SD
    uint16_t bufCopy[NumElementsInBuffer];

    // Loop to copy elements from circular buffer, one at at time.
    for (int m = 0; m < NumElementsInBuffer; m++) {
      //bufCopy[m] = readCircBuf(); //get data from circular buffer (make non-volatile copy)
      if (tail != head) { //there is data
        bufCopy[m]  = dataBuffer[tail];
        tail = (tail + 1) % BUFSIZE;
    }   //end loop copying data from circular buffer

    // Write data to SD card.
    if ((dataFile.fileSize() + NbytesWrite) <= log_file_size_adj) { //ensure sufficient space in current file
      NbytesWrite = dataFile.write((uint8_t*)bufCopy, sizeof(bufCopy));
      //TotalNumBytesWrittenToSD += NbytesWrite;
      if ((unsigned) NbytesWrite != sizeof(bufCopy)) {
        // perhaps here we should switch on two LEDs the green and the red? or reset?
        Serial.println(F("not all data written to card"));
    else { //filled current log file
      Serial.println(F("file full..."));     
      digitalWriteFast(REDpin, LOW);
      //FinishLogFile(); //TotalNumBytesWrittenToSD
      Serial.print(F("tail:")); Serial.print(tail);
      Serial.print(F(", head:")); Serial.println(head);
      // reset circ buff values
      head = 0; tail = 0; NbytesWrite = 0;
      Serial.println(F("starting new file..."));
      SDcardFileOpenStatus = SDcardCreateLogFile();
      digitalWriteFast(REDpin, HIGH);
      flushSDElapsedTime = 0;
      SamplingPeriodTimer.begin(scanADC, SAMPLE_PERIOD_MICROS);

    //  periodically flush SD card to update its FAT: addedJE 20 Nov 2018
    if (flushSDElapsedTime >= SD_FLUSH_TIMER_MS) {
      dataFile.flush();  // flush data to commit SD buffer to physical memory locations.  Inefficient to do this everytime we write a block of data?
      Serial.println( tempmonGetTemp() );
      flushSDElapsedTime = 0; //reset timer, timing precision isn't critical
  } // if there's enough elements in buffer
} //loop

A list of things I tried that didn't resolve the problem:

1. I added additional checks to my writeCircBuf subroutine to ensure I don't use negative indices or indices > buffer size
2. I did the same for the readCircBuf routine
3. Replace micros() with ARM_DWT_CYCCNT
4. Removed priority setting of the intervalTimer altogether
5. Added __DSB(); to the end of the ISR
6. Dropped my sampling rate from 10k to 8k which reduced the frequency of the hard fault to once every 8 hrs
7. Avoided jumping out of the ISR to a writeCircBuf subroutine and instead directly do the buffer operations using a loop inside the ISR.
8. Avoid switching interrupts off and on to read head and tail.

I would love to hear any suggestions/hints of what it is I could be doing wrong here. E.g. is my circular buffer too simplistic? Should I be using pointers instead? Any help would be very welcome.
I am asking this as a question because I do not know the answer.

  uint16_t bufCopy[NumElementsInBuffer];

Does C++ allow dynamically allocated size of auto class arrays? As a C programmer I am surprised that this line compiles without an error.

I do not see anything wrong with these arrays but it just looks suspicious as they are different size and you throw away chunkA[0]. It would be a good place for a code comment explaining the method to the madness.
static volatile uint16_t chunkA [37];
static volatile uint16_t chunkB [36];

And if you were to uncomment this line you would have a buffer overrun.
 //chunkB[36] = 22379;//sync bits to check for checking fidelity of SD writes
It's complex enough that I would try simplifying the program to either identify the source or eliminating some of the stuff. Since nobody is going to have your board or sensors, try taking out all of the SPI and sensor-related code and just have your IntervalTimer callback write fixed data to the ring buffer, and the writing to the SD in the main loop, and see if you get a crash that way. If so, that is code anyone with a T4.1 can run and help trouble-shoot.
@rcarr Thank you for your comment rcarr.

Does C++ allow dynamically allocated size of auto class arrays? As a C programmer I am surprised that this line compiles without an error.

Others might be better equipped to answer this question, but the code compiles and gives meaninful output. According to this it's possible to do dynamic allocation but it also seems to suggest its error prone?

Indeed there is (some) method to the madness :) Because there is an SPI delay of two commands with these chips, one receives the relevant data delayed by two words(ints). So the way this is dealt with is to read two registers that store known words. The first two words can therefore be disposed of safely. However, I keep one of two as a fidelity check for the SPI link. Therefore I only skip the first word from each chunk, hence jj=1 instead of 0. As for the chunkB[36]=22379, this was yet another fidelity word that I decided to eliminate to minimize writing time to the SD, since I want to have as high a sampling rate as possible.

@joepasquariello: I am trying your suggestion now.