Go language and Teensy4.x


New member
Hello all!

The support for i.MX RT in Embedded Go has reached such a level that you can write simple programs that use GPIO.

What supported:

  1. SysTick based time and delays
  2. IOMUX
  3. GPIO

A simple "blinky" program looks like this:

package main

import (


func main() {
	for {
		time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
		time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)

I'm currently working on adding the UART to the list of supported peripherals. The next one will be SPI.

If you would like to try Go on your Teensy or even help with development of the HAL, I will be happy to help you overcome any initial difficulties.
I'll continue this thread reporting on the progress of my work on support for IMXRT1060 in Embedded Go.

Today I can write something about LPUART because I finally have a working driver. Below is a sample code that demonstrates the use of the driver.

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Used IO pins
	tx := pins.P24
	rx := pins.P25

	// Setup LPUART driver
	u := lpuart1.Driver()
	u.Setup(lpuart.Word8b, 115200)
	u.UsePin(rx, lpuart.RXD)
	u.UsePin(tx, lpuart.TXD)

	// Enable both directions
	u.EnableRx(64) // use a 64-character ring buffer

	// Print received data showing reading chunks
	buf := make([]byte, 80)
	for {
		n, err := u.Read(buf)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(u, "error: %v\r\n", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(u, "%d: %s\r\n", n, buf[:n])

If you paste the string below to a terminal emulator


you will get the following echo which shows to some extent how the driver works.

1: a
6: bc-def
8: -ghi-jkl
16: -mno-prs-tuv-wxy
19: z--123-456-7890--AB

See https://github.com/embeddedgo/imxrt/tree/master/devboard/teensy4/examples for more examples.
This time something about DMA.

The imxrt/hal/dma package provides interface to the I.MX RT eDMA controller. The interface is based on two main types: Controller and Channel.

Controller represents an instance of eDMA engine together with the corresponding DMAMUX. The RT1062 has only one engine-mux pair but for example RT1170 has two.

Channel represents a DMA channel. Each controller provides 32 channels. You can obtain one using Controller.Channel or Controller.AllocChannel methods.

You can write a lot about eDMA. To understand the origins of the solutions adopted in it I studied Freescale documents dating from 2005 (e.g. AN2898). But one example is worth a thousand words, so I include it below with lots of comments in the code. It performs a memory to memory transfer in two ways: using only minor loop and using both minor and major loops.

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Number of words to copy.
	const n = 1e4 // must be <= 32767 because of Example 2.

	// We use dma.Alloc instead of builtin make function because we need cache-
	// aligned buffers. If you have ordinary (non cache-aligned) buffers you
	// can still use DMA with them but the beginning and end of the buffers may
	// require special treatment.
	src := dma.Alloc[uint32](n)
	dst := dma.Alloc[uint32](n)

	// Initialize the source memory with some pattern.
	for i := range src {
		src[i] = uint32(i<<16 | i)

	// We leave the safe field if we start messing around with DMA.
	srcAddr := unsafe.Pointer(&src[0])
	dstAddr := unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0])

	// Make sure all the values we wrote down in src are in place.
	rtos.CacheMaint(rtos.DCacheClean, srcAddr, n*4)

	// Ungate the DMA clock and configure the controller to use round robin
	// arbitration and halt on any error.
	d := dma.DMA(0)
	d.CR.SetBits(dma.ERCA | dma.ERGA | dma.HOE)

	// Allocate a free DMA channel. Because the priorities for all channels
	// (even unused) must be unique in fixed arbitration mode AllocChannel is
	// usually used together with round robin arbitration.
	c := d.AllocChannel(false)

	// Example 1. Transfer all data in the minor loop.
	// Pros: Simple and fast.
	// Cons: May increase the overall DMA latency/jitter because the minor loop
	// cannot be preempted in the round robin mode. Fixed arbitration isn't a
	// 100% solution because nested preemption isn't supported.

	// Flush and invalidate anything in the cache related to the dst buffer.
	rtos.CacheMaint(rtos.DCacheCleanInval, dstAddr, n*4)

	// Prepare a Transfer Control Descriptor. As the CRS[START] bit is set, the
	// transfer will start immediately after we write the prepared TCD to the
	// DMA local memory.
	tcd := dma.TCD{
		SADDR:       srcAddr,             // source address
		SOFF:        4,                   // added to SADDR after each read
		ATTR:        dma.S32b | dma.D32b, // src and dst data transfer sizes
		ML_NBYTES:   n * 4,               // number of bytes for minor loop
		SLAST:       -n * 4,              // added to SADDR when CITER reaches zero
		DADDR:       dstAddr,             // destination address
		DOFF:        4,                   // added to DADDR after each write
		ELINK_CITER: 1,                   // number of itreations in major loop
		DLAST_SGA:   -n * 4,              // added to DADDR when CITER reaches zero
		CSR:         dma.START,           // start the transfer immediately
		ELINK_BITER: 1,                   // reloaded to ELINK_CITER when CITER reaches zero

	waitAndCheck(c, dst)

	// Example 2. Transfer data using major and minor loops.
	// Pros: The DMA engine can handle multiple active channels at the same time
	// while it is possible to ensure ML_NBYTES uninterrupted transfer for each
	// of them.
	// Cons: More complex and slower than transfering all data in minor loop.

	// Clear destination buffer.
	for i := range dst {
		dst[i] = 0
	rtos.CacheMaint(rtos.DCacheCleanInval, dstAddr, n*4)

	// Modify the TCD from Example 1. to use the major loop to the extreme.
	tcd.ML_NBYTES = 4   // extremely short (one-iteration) minor loop
	tcd.ELINK_CITER = n // number of iterations in major loop, must be <= 32767
	tcd.ELINK_BITER = n // must be the same as ELINK_CITER
	tcd.CSR = dma.DREQ  // stop at the end of major loop, required because of AE

	// CSR[START] runs the major loop for one iteration only. We use DMAMUX AE
	// (always enabled) request and CSR[DREQ] to run the major loop to the end.
	c.SetMux(dma.En | dma.AE) // assert the DMA request permanently
	c.EnableReq()             // accept requests

	waitAndCheck(c, dst)

	// Blink slow if all went well.
	for {
		time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)

// WaitAndCheck waits for the end of transfer and checks the content of the dst
// buffer. It blinks fast endlessly if there is no proper pattern in dst.
func waitAndCheck(c dma.Channel, dst []uint32) {
	for c.TCD().CSR.LoadBits(dma.DONE) == 0 {
	for i, w := range dst {
		for w != uint32(i<<16|i) {
			time.Sleep(time.Second / 8)

The above code is available on Github.