Teensy 4.0 and micro "PC"


Well-known member
Hey all,
I have Teensy 4.0 with ADC 24bit. I am sending data via serial to Python. I have 7" TFT touch display to show FFT, etc.
Now I use Raspberry but it is not so much comfortable for me about battery managment. I am thinking about Latte Panda V1 4/64GB with Windows.
Do you have any experience with this computer?
Important for me is indication of actual battery state.
I need also SW keyboard to save data files.
Last question - now I have Teensy connected with RB via USB cable - is possible connect it to GPIO pins? 5V, GND, RX, TX? Or is it nonsense for serial communication?
Any suggestions or recommendations to have Teensy and smallest computer for Python with dipslay and battery management?
Thank you.