Teensy 3.2 Program Pin oddities

Hi folks,
I've been trying to wire up the program pin, since its hard to reach, when using the teensyview LCD. I had it working great- using the red button I'd successfully get the control in into program mode- however, recently its been behaving rather odd. Now whenever I attach a wire to the pin (floating- unconnected to anything, or to the bread board, in a row thats not connected to anything) the controller seems to either short out or enter an indefinite program loop. I can't flash the firmware, nor see the device listed in teensyduino. As soon as I remove the pin from the header, the board gets flashed, and proceeds to act normal.

The only successful way to have a jumper wire inside the header is to have it connected to Vcc on the other. Please see attached image for the very basic wiring diagram. The firmware is nothing special, just a digitalRead example

Please see here: https://imgur.com/a/NtiTuxl