Teensy flow control with delay (HW Timer?)


New member
for a project I want to implement CTS flow control (Teensy CTS, RF module RTS, no flow control to the Teensy needed) into a UART transmission. Unfortunately, the RF module I'm using states in the manual, that after a falling edge on its RTS line, the Teensy has to wait for 100µs before any transmission starts. Am I right, that Serial.attachCts() does not work in this case, because of the 100µs required delay?
To go around this issue, I'm now using software flow control via an interrupt on the (Teensy) CTS line. This interrupt starts an elapsedMicros timer. Only when this timer reaches 100µs the message is prepared and sent. However, I would like to avoid the interrupt and instead auto-start/auto-reset a timer on the falling edge of the CTS line (without code execution). Is this possible?
Thanks in advance