Changing Teensy 4.1 I2C Port for SX1509 I/O Expander

Expensive Notes

Well-known member
I am having trouble knowing how to code this for the Sparkfun SX1509 multiplexer board. I have successfully changed I2C ports for OLED displays by changing &Wire to &Wire2 for example, but doing this doesn't work for the SX1509.

In the Sparkfun code, see below, they use io.begin(SX1509_ADDRESS) to initialise the board with the default being wire (SDA 19 and SCL 18) on the Teensy 4.1.
I would like to use SDA1 and SCL1 instead.

According to their GitHub io.begin() can have the following parameters which to me looks like I can choose a different I2C port. I am not sure how to implement this in code. Any help would be appreciated.

uint8_t SX1509::begin(uint8_t address, TwoWire &wirePort, uint8_t resetPin)45    {
46        // Store the received parameters into member variables
47        _i2cPort = &wirePort;
48        deviceAddress = address;
49        pinReset = resetPin;

Here is some code from their website that I have been using to test this:
/*************************************************************  analogWrite.ino
  SparkFun SX1509 I/O Expander Example: pwm output (analogWrite)
  Jim Lindblom @ SparkFun Electronics
  Original Creation Date: September 21, 2015

  This example demonstrates the SX1509's analogWrite function.
  Connect an LED to the SX1509's pin 15 (or any other pin, they
  can all PWM!). The SX1509 can either sink or source current,
  just don't forget your limiting resistor!

  Hardware Hookup:
  SX1509 Breakout ------ Arduino -------- Breadboard
        GND -------------- GND
        3V3 -------------- 3.3V
      SDA ------------ SDA (A4)
      SCL ------------ SCL (A5)
      15 -------------------------------- LED+
                                     LED- -/\/\/\- GND

  Development environment specifics:
  IDE: Arduino 1.6.5
  Hardware Platform: Arduino Uno
  SX1509 Breakout Version: v2.0

  This code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun
  employee) at the local, and you've found our code helpful,
  please buy us a round!

  Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.

#include <Wire.h>           // Include the I2C library (required)
#include <SparkFunSX1509.h> //Click here for the library: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_SX1509

// SX1509 I2C address (set by ADDR1 and ADDR0 (00 by default):
const byte SX1509_ADDRESS = 0x3E; // SX1509 I2C address
SX1509 io;                        // Create an SX1509 object to be used throughout

// SX1509 Pin definition:
const byte SX1509_LED_PIN = 15; // LED to SX1509's pin 15

void setup()
  Serial.println("SX1509 Example");


  // Call io.begin(<address>) to initialize the SX1509. If it
  // successfully communicates, it'll return 1.
  if (io.begin(SX1509_ADDRESS) == false)
    Serial.println("Failed to communicate. Check wiring and address of SX1509.");
    while (1)
      ; // If we fail to communicate, loop forever.

  // Use the pinMode(<pin>, <mode>) function to set our led
  // pin as an ANALOG_OUTPUT, which is required for PWM output
  io.pinMode(SX1509_LED_PIN, ANALOG_OUTPUT);

void loop()
  // Ramp brightness up, from 0-255, delay 2ms in between
  // analogWrite's
  for (int brightness = 0; brightness < 256; brightness++)
    // Call io.analogWrite(<pin>, <0-255>) to configure the
    // PWM duty cycle
    io.analogWrite(SX1509_LED_PIN, brightness);
    delay(2); // Delay 2 milliseconds
  delay(500); // Delay half-a-second

  // Ramp brightness down, from 255-0, delay 2ms in between
  // analogWrite's
  for (int brightness = 255; brightness >= 0; brightness--)
    io.analogWrite(SX1509_LED_PIN, brightness);
    delay(2); // Delay 2 milliseconds
  delay(500); // Delay half-a-second
Thanks. I tried this and got.
Twin_Oled_Test_with_Encoder:53: error: no matching function for call to 'SX1509::begin(const byte&, TwoWire*)'   if (io.begin(SX1509_ADDRESS, &Wire1) == false)
In file included from /Users/jmw/Documents/Electronics/Teensy/Tests/Twin_Oled_Test_with_Encoder/Twin_Oled_Test_with_Encoder.ino:30:0:
/Users/jmw/Documents/Electronics/Arduino/libraries/SX1509_IO_Expander/src/SparkFunSX1509.h:106:10: note: candidate: uint8_t SX1509::begin(uint8_t, TwoWire&, uint8_t)
  uint8_t begin(uint8_t address = 0x3E, TwoWire &wirePort = Wire, uint8_t resetPin = 0xFF);
/Users/jmw/Documents/Electronics/Arduino/libraries/SX1509_IO_Expander/src/SparkFunSX1509.h:106:10: note:   no known conversion for argument 2 from 'TwoWire*' to 'TwoWire&'
no matching function for call to 'SX1509::begin(const byte&, TwoWire*)'
Oops. Sorry for the typo from the other side of the world. Yes, Wire1 should be the correct argument to pass
Good point. I’m glad you put UK after Cheltenham otherwise you could have been in Cheltenham a suburb of Melbourne.
Yes, there are Cheltenhams all over the world. We certainly got about!
Perhaps you should have put Melbourne, Australia. Just take a look at this link. Just taking the Michael.