Is it possible to program a Teensy with NXP IDE and a Debugger?


Well-known member
Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to working with the teensy hardware using the NXP IDE and debugger rather than Arduino IDE with the USB Serial port. I love the Teensy's processing power and flexibility, but having to do all the debugging with print statements is a huge drawback when working on complex coding projects.

As a follow up question, what parts of the Teensy's support library would translate to NXP IDE. Would it be pretty much working baremetal from the ground up or could make the codebase be reused with proper support?

Edit: Looking at doing this with the Teensy 4.0 and / or 4.1, in case that's relevant information.
In a nice & convenient tightly integrated way, no, not really.

But if you can configure their IDE to output in .HEX format (not .BIN), you can just run Teensy Loader and use File > Open to open the .HEX file. Then press the pushbutton on Teensy to get Teensy Loader recognize is. Click Program to write your .HEX file and Reboot to run it.

Teensy Loader has an Auto mode. When in Auto mode, it will automatically re-read the .HEX file and perform the Program and Reboot when Teensy appears. So once it's set up, you can just leave Auto mode on and press the pushbutton to cause your latest .HEX file to be loaded and run.