Why is ARM_DWT_CYCCNT Cycle counternot running default on Teensy 3.x? Disadvantages?


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Why is ARM_DWT_CYCCNT running default on Teensy 4.x and not on Teensy 3.x?
Are there disadvantages on having the following code in setup by default?

{ // Enable CPU Cycle Counter
    ARM_DEMCR    |= ARM_DEMCR_TRCENA;         // enable debug/trace
    ARM_DWT_CTRL |= ARM_DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA;   // enable cycle counter
ARM_DWT_CYCCNT was enabled early in T_4.0 Beta development as a tool to calculate micros() offset from last millis().
Millis is run from a slow clock (24 MHz IIRC?) and that would not provide good micros() resolution beyond 10's of us.
So, starting ARM_DWT_CYCCNT to track the cycles since the last millisecond sys tick gave it resolution against typical 600 MHz clock.

T_LC doesn't have the ARM_DWT_CYCCNT though all other T_3.x's do. And there was never a 'system' need to enable it like the T_4.x.

Not sure there is a reason it couldn't be done on reset for T_3.x's, but that's how it is - and why T_4.x has it running.