Teensy 4.1 unsupported in Adafruit_TFTLCD.h


New member

I've been trying to get my Adafruit 2.8" TFT LCD to work with my Teensy 4.1 board via the 8 bit wiring tutorial using the standard Graphicstest demo software but the compiler reports "Board type unsupported / not recognized". Everything works with the SPI wiring but I understand the 8 bit interface should be a bit faster and that's what I'm looking for.
I'm aware of an earlier discussion on the Adafruit forum titled 2.8" TFT touchscreen + Teensy 3.0 but it's been around since 2013 and I'd like to know if there is an updated library or any other library that will work before I dive any deeper?

Thanks for any help.
Yes it looks like no one has added the support for the Teensy boards into those files.

There is some stuff in the Adafruit_TFTLCD.cpp and .h that checks for Teensyduino
#if defined (__AVR__) || defined(TEENSYDUINO)
volatile uint8_t *csPort , *cdPort , *wrPort , *rdPort;
uint8_t csPinSet , cdPinSet , wrPinSet , rdPinSet ,
csPinUnset, cdPinUnset, wrPinUnset, rdPinUnset,

But this won't work for T4.x as these need to be uint32_t...

And the pin_magic.h - has nothing in it for Teensy.

I know there were a couple threads up here about people making versions that run in parallel mode. But I don't remember which.
Possibly do a search for that.

I believe the UTFT library has some support for ILI9341, but not sure if 8 bit support or only 4?

Sorry not much help
