Mouse and TouchscreenUSB "cancel" each other? [Teensy 4.1]

I'm working on a way to make a touchpad/keyboard combo device work on Android here:

There I stumbled upon an issue that when I use one-finger-movement to move the mouse and two-finger-movement to do touch input on the target device.
So I made a test sketch that alternates mouse and touch input. See the 4 demo video clips below to see what happens.

int timeLast, mode, x, y;
bool touchActive;

void setup()
    Mouse.screenSize(1920, 1080);
    timeLast = 0;
    touchActive = false;

void loop()
    if (millis() - timeLast > 10)
        if (mode == 0)
            if (x < 50)
                Mouse.move(1, 1);
                Mouse.move(-1, -1);
        else if (mode == 1)
            if (touchActive == false)
                touchActive = true;
  , 1000 + x * 30, 1000 + y * 30);

        x++; y++;

        if (x > 100)
            x = 0; y = 0;
            if (mode == 0)
                mode = 1;
            else if (mode == 1)
                if (touchActive == true)
                    touchActive = false;
                mode = 0;

        timeLast = millis();

Variant 1: mouse commented out
Expected behaviour: press finger and move it to the bottom right, release finger, repeat
Actual behauvior: all fine

Variant 2: touchscreenusb commented out
Expected behaviour: move mouse bottom right, then top left, repeat
Actual behauvior: all fine

Variant 3: nothing commented out
Expected behaviour: Alternate between the finger movement and mouse movement, repeat
Actual behauvior: finger movement happens once, mouse movement doesn't work (on the next finger movement it once moves the mouse a little bit, but then doesn't move the finger and also doesn't release it)

Variant 4: only touchscreenusb.RELEASE uncommented
Expected behaviour: Alternate between the finger movement and mouse movement, repeat
Actual behauvior: finger movement happens once, then mouse movement works but finger doesn't get moved again

This is exactly the same problem I have on my above mentioned project. How can I fix this? The Teensy is set to be Keyboard + Mouse + Touchscreen, frequency 24 Mhz (but using it at 600 for example doesn't change anything).
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