I am unable to upload my code!


Active member
Hello, I have installed Ubuntu on my computer today and I am having trouble uploading my code.
I use PlatformIO IDE on my computer, and there on the terminal it says:

Uploading .pio/build/teensy41/firmware.hex
Opening Teensy Loader...
error sending reboot command to /dev/hidraw0
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode.
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.
*** [upload] Error 1
[FAILED] Took 17.76 seconds

Pressing the program mode button on the Teensy doesn't help, even if I click the upload button on the teensy loader program doesn't help too!
I am unable to upload from Arduino IDE and PlatformIO IDE.
Power-only cables are the most common problem. Make sure your USB cable really is one with data wires.

On Linux, you must install the udev rules file.


If neither of those solve your problem, try watching the syslog messages with "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog". The kernel will log messages each time a USB device connects and disconnects. You can share those here and we'll try to make some sense of what they mean.

But if you get absolutely no syslog activity when you plug in Teensy, or when you press the pushbutton, that's a sure sign you have a power-only cable or some other problem where no USB communication is working.
My USB cables are all with data, and I have indeed installed the udev rules. Using the same cables I can upload code to my ESP32. The computer doesn’t pick up the teensy at all when connected or disconnected with the watchdog command
Well then let's take a look at those syslog messages to hopefully gain some understanding of what's really going wrong.