Using platformio / vscode for a custom defined teensy board and usbtype


Active member
I'm made modifications to the core teensy code to add some custom USB and board types. I've made associated changes to boards.txt, and files in the teensy4 and teensy3 directories. I'm using the Arduino v2 IDE, and everything is working as expected.

I've recently wanted to switch to platformio. I have vscode and platformio installed. When I import the arduino project for the custom board type and select use Arduino libraries it seems to build the PlatformIO core files for the Teensy devices. But when it does it seems to build them from a central repository, and not the teensy core code that is being used by the Arduino IDE for my custom board.

Is there a way to get platformIO to recognize my custom teensy core code, and not pull from a central repository (or wherever it gets its Teensy core code)?

What you want to Use is Visual Micro with Visual Studio.
It sort of sits on top / beside the Arduino IDE but gives you all the functionality of using Visual Studio and some added de-bugging capabilities.
I looked at platformio but could not get on with setting it up and a lot of people seemed to be having problems with it.
This shows the differences between PlatFormIO and Visual Micro.
What you want to Use is Visual Micro with Visual Studio.
It sort of sits on top / beside the Arduino IDE but gives you all the functionality of using Visual Studio and some added de-bugging capabilities.
I looked at platformio but could not get on with setting it up and a lot of people seemed to be having problems with it.
This shows the differences between PlatFormIO and Visual Micro.

Thanks, but it doesnt seem like this will solve my problem. I want to use VSCode and it appears that vsmicro only works with visual studio, not VSCode.

So, again. Is there a way to get platformio to use a local copy of the teensy core libraries, and not automatically sync with Paul's github repository?

I want to use VSCode and it appears that vsmicro only works with visual studio, not VSCode.
True, but I thought VSCode was a subset of Visual Studio, so why not use it?
True, but I thought VSCode was a subset of Visual Studio, so why not use it?

Actually vsCode is a complete new development not based on vsStudio at all. Also the approach is quite different. While VSStudio is a fully fledged and fat IDE, vsCode is just a light weight editor, optimized for writing code. Any IDE functionality is added via extensions. I'm using both, vsStudio for PC work (mainly c#) and vsCode for embedded programming (c++) I mainly use visualTeensy (Windows and Teensy only) and, for multi platform development PIO. Both work without real issues. I tried VisualMicro a couple of years ago but I didn't like the suboptimal intellisense performance which was due to the fact that vsStudio used the microsoft compiler for intellisense and GCC for the actual compiling (did this improve meanwhile?).

sagreen83 said:
So, again. Is there a way to get platformio to use a local copy of the teensy core libraries, and not automatically sync with Paul's github repository?

Shawn posted a tutorial on how to exchange the standard core and compiler with the beta ones. I assume that this procedure would also work for exchanging the standard core by your files. See here: