Arduino IDE 2.0.4 is out


Well-known member
Arduino IDE 2.0.4 is out and a little better. Serial monitor is a little weird but almost usable. Still doesn't auto scroll window to the last new text line.

The big advantage is being able to right-click or ctrl-click on some unknown text and select 'Go to Definition' and it will pop up the arcane file you always wondered where it was. This is real handy when your trying to figure how somebody's library works.

There's a little learning curve but worth going thru it IMHO.
Opened - detected Update and Updated.

Built first sketch to T_4.1 to work.

Opened another sketch and indeed HOVER over these and it shows:
> This and any 'printf' instance indicates it is a MACRO
#define printf Serial.printf
> This shows it is '#define ARDUINO_TEENSY41 1' - and gives info on items under it as they are LIVE
> NOTHING for this as it isn't defined! - And nothing for things defined within that to the #end

INDEED, Right Click 'Go to definition' and F12 or Ctrl+Click for 'extern "C" uint8_t external_psram_size;' opens Startup.c!

Selected one of three T_4.1's online - but ...
> platform.local.txt! still there in 0.58.3 folder. The one made to allow TyCommander to Run and own Serial Monitor.
-> of course it would be PJRC Teensy board update that would tend to lose that.
tools.teensyloader.upload.pattern="{cmd.path}" upload --autostart --wait --delegate "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.hex"