Teensy Audio Library Examples - Missing


Active member
Hi Folks,

My apologies for what may end up being such a simple issue. I'm using arduino IDE 2.0.4 and I have the latest board lib 1.57.2 installed.
But, I'm missing all of the Teensy Audio Library examples and can't quite figure out why. My board manager URLs are correct as well.

I am using Mac OS if that helps. I have only a single example sketch in the menu. any help would be appreciated !

Screen Shot 2023-03-06 at 10.09.40 AM.jpg
Scroll up.

It should be in the "Examples for Teensy 4.1" section.


Or maybe Arduino IDE is confused by 2 libraries called "Audio" and that other one is overriding Teensy's Audio library? If that's the situation, you may need to uninstall that other library, maybe?
Hi Paul,

Thanks so much for the quick reply ... Indeed there was another library that was blocking and overriding things. (Audio by Arduino) I uninstalled the Arduino library. and reinstalled 1.57.2 The examples are now in place. Thank you kindly for the clues.